Petar Kokotovic Distinguished Visiting Professor

This named professorship acknowledges the outstanding contributions of a dynamics and control researcher to our field. Through a series of highly accomplished recipients of this prestigious Professorship, it is our vision that Petar’s own extraordinary contributions to our community will be acknowledged in perpetuity.

The PK Distinguished Visiting Professor will spend about two weeks on the UCSB campus, giving lectures and interacting with students and faculty. The winner can also make a short 1-2 day visit to a neighboring university in southern California.

The Petar Kokotovic Distinguished Professorship is supported by an endowment established by a group of friends, former students, and colleagues of Petar.


Prof. Eduardo Sontag, from the Northeastern Univerdity, was the Petar Kokotovic Distinguished Visiting Professor in 2025.

Prof. Rodolphe Sepulchre, from the University of Cambridge, was the Petar Kokotovic Distinguished Visiting Professor in 2019.

Prof. Fabio Fagnani from DISMA Politecnico di Torino was the Petar Kokotovic Distinguished Visiting Professor in 2017.

Prof. Vincent Blondel from the Université Catholique de Louvain was the Petar Kokotovic Distinguished Visiting Professor in 2013.

Prof. Stephen Boyd from Stanford University was the inaugural Petar Kokotovic Distinguished Visiting Professor in 2011.