A Distributed Simplex Algorithm: Basic Concepts and Applications
September 27, 2011, room 2217, Enginering Bldg II
Mathias Burger
University of Stuttgart, Engineering Cybernetics
Recent advances in communication technology and the emergence of the
multi-agent paradigm for control systems design, awoke new interest in
solving optimization and coordination problems with distributed
information structures. In this talk, I present a novel distributed
algorithm to solve degenerate linear programs over asynchronous
communication networks. The algorithm is a distributed version of the well
known simplex algorithm for general linear programs. I also introduce a
variation of the algorithm, which allows to handle structured problems
with combinations of local and global constraints. Our algorithm can
efficiently be applied to important problems, including the multi-agent
assignment and the distributed pre-ordering problem.
Speaker's Bio
Mathias Bürger is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Stuttgart, Germany, under the direction of Frank Allgöwer. He received is Dipl.-Ing. degree in Engineering Cybernetics from the University of Stuttgart in 2009. Before that, he visited as a DAAD fellow the University of Toronto and Queen's University, Kingston, Canada, and had a research stay at the Service Center for Automation Technologies of BASF SE. His research interests include distributed optimization methods and clustering analysis of dynamical networks.
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