Compressive Signal Processing
Richard Baraniuk
Speaker's Bio
Richard G. Baraniuk is the Victor E. Cameron Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Rice University. His research interests lie in new theory, algorithms, and hardware for sensing and signal processing. His work on the Rice single-pixel compressive camera has been widely reported in the popular press and was selected by MIT Technology Review as a TR10 Top 10 Emerging Technology for 2007. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and AAAS and has received national young investigator awards from the National Science Foundation and the Office of Naval Research, the Rosenbaum Fellowship from the Isaac Newton Institute of Cambridge University, the ECE Young Alumni Achievement Award from the University of Illinois, and the Wavelet Pioneer Award from SPIE. For his teaching and education projects, he has received the George R. Brown Award for Superior Teaching at Rice three times, the C. Holmes MacDonald National Outstanding Teaching Award from Eta Kappa Nu, the Internet Pioneer Award from the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School, the World Technology Award for Education, the IEEE-SPS Education Award, and the WISE Education Award. He was selected as one of Edutopia Magazine's Daring Dozen Education Innovators in 2007. The non-profit open-access educational publishing project Connexions ( he launched was a Tech Museum of Innovation Laureate in 2006.