Computational Neuroanatomy: Mapping the Brain at a Cellular Level
September 19, 2013, HFH 4164
Pascal Grange
Gene expression studies in the brain gave rise to data for
thousands of genes, following two approaches:
1) gene-based (in the entire brain, as in the Allen Atlas),
2) cell-based (in a particular cell type). I propose a model
to combine the power of the gene-based approach and the
specificity of the cell-based approach, which can only be done
computationally. The Allen Atlas of the adult mouse brain is
used to estimate the region-specificity of 64 cell types whose
transcriptional profile in the mouse brain has been measured
in microarray experiments. The relevant optimization
techniques have been implemented in the Brain Gene Expression
Analysis toolbox (
Speaker's Bio
Pascal Grange obtained his PhD in theoretical physics from Ecole Polytechnique (Paris) in 2005. He worked on flux compactifications of string theory, generalized geometry and mirror symmetry, and stochastic modelling. After a postdoc at
the IAS (Princeton) and Hamburg University, he evolved towards a more data-driven style of research. Over the last three years he worked at CSHL on the collective properties of gene expression maps in the brain, revealing anatomical properties of autism-related genes and region-specificity of cell types.
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