
2016a Winter

Date, location Seminar Series Videos
01/29/16 3:00pm, Webb 1100 CCDC Seminar Series Masoud Nazari, Distributed Network Control in Prosumer-based Smart Grids Link
02/05/16 3:00pm, Webb 1100 CCDC Seminar Series Laura Giarre, Admission Control for Smart Grids Link
02/08/16 3:30pm, ESB 1001 ECE Distinguished Lecture Magnus Egerstedt, Engineering classes on a Massive Scale: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly Link
02/12/16 3:00pm, Webb 1100 CCDC Seminar Series Pavan Tallapragada, Event-triggered control under bounded and time-varying channel rates Link
02/19/16 3:00pm, Webb 1100 CCDC Seminar Series Zhong-Ping Jiang, Network Small-Gain Theorem: A Tool for Network Stability and Control Link
02/26/16 3:00pm, Webb 1100 CCDC Seminar Series Meeko Oishi, Towards design of human-in-the-loop cyber-physical systems Link
03/01/16 3:00pm, HFH 4164 CCDC Extra Seminar Ulrik D. Nielsen, New Concepts for Shipboard Sea State Estimation Link
03/04/16 3:00pm, Webb 1100 CCDC Seminar Series Takeshi Hatanaka, Passivity-Based Control and Optimization in Networked Robotics -From Human-Swarm Collaborations to Distributed Optimization- Link
03/11/16 3:00pm, Webb 1100 CCDC Seminar Series Jerome Darbon, On fast algorithms for solving certain Hamilton-Jacobi equations arising in control theory Link

2015d Fall

Date, location Seminar Series Videos
09/25/15 3:00pm, Webb 1100 CCDC Seminar Series Paul Bogdan, Embracing Complexity: A Fractal Calculus Approach to the Modeling and Optimization of Cyber-Physical Systems Link
10/02/15 3:00pm, Webb 1100 CCDC Seminar Series Steven Low, Design and stability of load-side frequency control Link
10/09/15 3:00pm, Webb 1100 CCDC Seminar Series Agung Julius, Trajectory-based Analysis and Controller Synthesis for Hybrid Systems Link
10/16/15 3:00pm, Webb 1100 CCDC Seminar Series Coen de Visser, Model Reduction and Control of Distributed Parameter Systems using Multivariate B-Splines Link
10/23/15 3:00pm, Webb 1100 CCDC Seminar Series Scott Erwin, Congested, Contested, and Competitive: Dynamics & Controls in the Evolution of Military Space Link
10/30/15 3:00pm, Webb 1100 CCDC Seminar Series Danny Abramovitch, Trying to Keep it Real: 25 Years of Trying to Get the Stuff I Learned in Grad School to Work on Mechatronic Systems Link
11/06/15 3:00pm, Webb 1100 CCDC Seminar Series Jacob Rosen, When a Human Meets a Robot – Exploring the Bioports Link
11/13/15 3:00pm, USC Southern California Control Workshop Various speakers, 27th Southern California Control Workshop, USC, Nov 2015
11/20/15 3:00pm, Webb 1100 CCDC Seminar Series Francesco Bullo, Network Systems in Science and Technology Link
11/30/15 3:30pm, ESB 1001 Mohammed Dahleh Distinguished Lecture Jeff Gore, Cooperation, Cheating and Collapse in Biological Populations Link
12/04/15 3:00pm, Webb 1100 CCDC Seminar Series Gaurav Sukhatme, Robots at Sea: From Drones to Autonomy Link
