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Bullo F, Doerfler F, Pasqualetti F.  2011.  Cyber-Physical Attacks in Power Networks: Models, Fundamental Limitations and Monitor Design. :2195-2201.
Agrawal D, Das S, Abbadi AEl, Elmore AJ.  2011.  Database Scalability, Elasticity, and Autonomy in the Cloud. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 6587:2-15.
Grosman B., Jovanovic L., Percival M.W, Zisser H., Dassau E., Doyle, III F.J, Wang Y..  2011.  Development of a multi-parametric model predictive control algorithm for insulin delivery in type 1 diabetes mellitus using clinical parameters. JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL. 21:391-404.
Grosman B., Jovanovic L., Percival M.W, Zisser H., Dassau E., Doyle, III F.J, Wang Y..  2011.  Development of a multi-parametric model predictive control algorithm for insulin delivery in type 1 diabetes mellitus using clinical parameters. JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL. 21:391-404.
Harvey R.A, Doyle, III F.J, Mirsky H.P, Stelling J., Taylor S.R.  2011.  Distribution-based sensitivity metric for highly variable biochemical systems. IET SYSTEMS BIOLOGY. 5:50-U118.
Bullo F, Durham JW, Carli R, Frasca P.  2011.  Dynamic Partitioning and Coverage Control with Asynchronous One-to-Base-Station Communication. :5589-5594.
Morse DE, Doyle, III FJ, Sweeney AM, Ananthasubramaniam B, Boch CA.  2011.  Effects of Light Dynamics on Coral Spawning Synchrony. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN. 220:161-173.
Doyle, III FJ, Wang Y.  2011.  The exponential synchronization of Kuramoto oscillator networks in the presence of combined global and local cues. Proceedings of the American Control Conference.
Pesika NS, Das S, Turner KL, Israelachvili JN, Yu J, Chary S, Tamelier J.  2011.  Gecko-Inspired Dry Adhesive for Robotic Applications. ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS. 21:3010-3018.
Dassau E, Zisser H, Ottavian M, Seborg DE, Barolo M.  2011.  Improved blood glucose control for critically ill subjects. JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL. 21:331-342.
Doyle, III FJ, Wang Y.  2011.  On influences of global and local cues on the rate of synchronization of oscillator networks. AUTOMATICA. 47:1236-1242.
Morse DE, Doyle, III FJ, Ananthasubramaniam B, Nisbet RM.  2011.  Integrate-and-fire models of insolation-driven entrainment of broadcast spawning in corals. THEORETICAL ECOLOGY. 4:69-85.
Turner K, Israelachvili J, Das S, Yu J, Tamelier J, Chary S.  2011.  Millimeter Size Patch Behavior of Gecko-Inspired Reversible Adhesive. :1819-1822.
De Leo C, Manjunath B.S.  2011.  Multicamera Video Summarization from Optimal Reconstruction. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 6468:94-103.
Petzold L, Doyle, III F, Webb ABrooke, Herzog E, Taylor S.  2011.  The origins and consequences of heterogeneous neurons in a molecular oscillator model of the mammalian circadian clock. 25
Teel AR, Dacic DB, Nesic D, Wang W.  2011.  Path Following for Nonlinear Systems With Unstable Zero Dynamics: An Averaging Solution. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 56:880-886.
Leon LR, Doyle, III FJ, Shaik OS, Grosman B, Helwig BG.  2011.  A physiological systems approach to modeling and resetting of mouse thermoregulation under heat stress. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY. 111:938-945.
Mort PR, Tan HSing, Ronen D, Doyle, III FJ, Sanders CFW.  2011.  Predictive Dynamic Modeling of Key Process Variables in Granulation Processes Using Partial Least Squares Approach. INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 50:1419-1426.
Luni C, Doyle, III FJ.  2011.  Robust multi-drug therapy design and application to insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL. 21:1730-1741.
Daigle, Jr. BJ, Gillespie DT, Petzold LR, Roh MK.  2011.  State-dependent doubly weighted stochastic simulation algorithm for automatic characterization of stochastic biochemical rare events. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 135
Khammash M, Dandach SH.  2011.  Stochastic strategies for survival: bacterial competence in Bacillus Subtilis. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :2296-2301.
Bullo F, Doerfler F.  2011.  Topological Equivalence of a Structure-Preserving Power Network Model and a Non-Uniform Kuramoto Model of Coupled Oscillators. :7099-7104.
Doyle, III FJ, Herzog ED, Welsh DK, Petzold LR, Harang R, Meeker K, Bonnet G, Webb AB.  2011.  Wavelet Measurement Suggests Cause of Period Instability in Mammalian Circadian Neurons. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL RHYTHMS. 26:353-362.
Daigle, Jr. BJ, Petzold LR, Niemi J, Roh MK.  2012.  Accelerated maximum likelihood parameter estimation for stochastic biochemical systems. BMC BIOINFORMATICS. 13
Bullo F, Carli R, Dandach SH.  2012.  Accuracy and Decision Time for Sequential Decision Aggregation. PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE. 100:687-712.
