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Cyber-Physical Attacks in Power Networks: Models, Fundamental Limitations and Monitor Design. :2195-2201.
2011. Database Scalability, Elasticity, and Autonomy in the Cloud. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 6587:2-15.
2011. Development of a multi-parametric model predictive control algorithm for insulin delivery in type 1 diabetes mellitus using clinical parameters. JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL. 21:391-404.
2011. Development of a multi-parametric model predictive control algorithm for insulin delivery in type 1 diabetes mellitus using clinical parameters. JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL. 21:391-404.
2011. Distribution-based sensitivity metric for highly variable biochemical systems. IET SYSTEMS BIOLOGY. 5:50-U118.
2011. Dynamic Partitioning and Coverage Control with Asynchronous One-to-Base-Station Communication. :5589-5594.
2011. Effects of Light Dynamics on Coral Spawning Synchrony. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN. 220:161-173.
2011. The exponential synchronization of Kuramoto oscillator networks in the presence of combined global and local cues. Proceedings of the American Control Conference.
2011. Gecko-Inspired Dry Adhesive for Robotic Applications. ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS. 21:3010-3018.
2011. Improved blood glucose control for critically ill subjects. JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL. 21:331-342.
2011. On influences of global and local cues on the rate of synchronization of oscillator networks. AUTOMATICA. 47:1236-1242.
2011. Integrate-and-fire models of insolation-driven entrainment of broadcast spawning in corals. THEORETICAL ECOLOGY. 4:69-85.
2011. .
2011. Multicamera Video Summarization from Optimal Reconstruction. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 6468:94-103.
2011. .
2011. Path Following for Nonlinear Systems With Unstable Zero Dynamics: An Averaging Solution. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 56:880-886.
2011. A physiological systems approach to modeling and resetting of mouse thermoregulation under heat stress. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY. 111:938-945.
2011. Predictive Dynamic Modeling of Key Process Variables in Granulation Processes Using Partial Least Squares Approach. INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 50:1419-1426.
2011. Robust multi-drug therapy design and application to insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL. 21:1730-1741.
2011. State-dependent doubly weighted stochastic simulation algorithm for automatic characterization of stochastic biochemical rare events. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 135
2011. Stochastic strategies for survival: bacterial competence in Bacillus Subtilis. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :2296-2301.
2011. .
2011. Wavelet Measurement Suggests Cause of Period Instability in Mammalian Circadian Neurons. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL RHYTHMS. 26:353-362.
2011. Accelerated maximum likelihood parameter estimation for stochastic biochemical systems. BMC BIOINFORMATICS. 13
2012. Accuracy and Decision Time for Sequential Decision Aggregation. PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE. 100:687-712.