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Anonimos: An LP-Based Approach for Anonymizing Weighted Social Network Graphs. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING. 24:590-604.
2012. Bio-inspired Hybrid Control of Pulse-Coupled Oscillators and Application to Synchronization of a Wireless Network. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :2818-2823.
2012. A broadband vibrational energy harvester. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 100
2012. Clinical evaluation of a fully-automated artificial pancreas using zone-model predictive control with health monitoring system. 55:S435-S435.
2012. Clinical evaluation of a fully-automated artificial pancreas using zone-model predictive control with health monitoring system. 55:S435-S435.
2012. Clinically Relevant Hypoglycemia Prediction Metrics for Event Mitigation. DIABETES TECHNOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS. 14:719-727.
2012. Clinically Relevant Hypoglycemia Prediction Metrics for Event Mitigation. DIABETES TECHNOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS. 14:719-727.
2012. The collective oscillation period of inter-coupled Goodwin oscillators. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :1627-1632.
2012. .
2012. Control-Relevant Models for Glucose Control Using A Priori Patient Characteristics. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING. 59:1839-1849.
2012. Control-Relevant Models for Glucose Control Using A Priori Patient Characteristics. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING. 59:1839-1849.
2012. Cooperative Patrolling via Weighted Tours: Performance Analysis and Distributed Algorithms. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ROBOTICS. 28:1181-1188.
2012. Core module biomarker identification with network exploration for breast cancer metastasis. BMC BIOINFORMATICS. 13
2012. Core module biomarker identification with network exploration for breast cancer metastasis. BMC BIOINFORMATICS. 13
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2012. Cyber-Physical Security via Geometric Control: Distributed Monitoring and Malicious Attacks. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :3418-3425.
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2012. Discrete Partitioning and Coverage Control for Gossiping Robots. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ROBOTICS. 28:364-378.
2012. Distributed pursuit-evasion without mapping or global localization via local frontiers. AUTONOMOUS ROBOTS. 32:81-95.
2012. Energy-Efficient Pulse-Coupled Synchronization Strategy Design for Wireless Sensor Networks Through Reduced Idle Listening. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. 60:5293-5306.
2012. Exploring Synchronization in Complex Oscillator Networks. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :7157-7170.
2012. Friction and Adhesion of Gecko-Inspired PDMS Flaps on Rough Surfaces. LANGMUIR. 28:11527-11534.
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