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Bullo F, Doerfler F, Chertkov M.  2013.  Synchronization in complex oscillator networks and smart grids. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 110:2005-2010.
Harvey R.A, Farret A., Zisser H., Lee J.J, Place J., Dassau E., Renard E.M, Doyle, III F.J, Pelletier M.-J.  2013.  Tighter glucose control through a reduction of hyperglycaemia results from closed-loop intra-peritoneal vs subcutaneous insulin delivery in type 1 diabetes. 56:S439-S439.
Harvey R.A, Farret A., Zisser H., Lee J.J, Place J., Dassau E., Renard E.M, Doyle, III F.J, Pelletier M.-J.  2013.  Tighter glucose control through a reduction of hyperglycaemia results from closed-loop intra-peritoneal vs subcutaneous insulin delivery in type 1 diabetes. 56:S439-S439.
St John PC, Doyle, III FJ, Abel JH, Taylor SR.  2014.  Amplitude Metrics for Cellular Circadian Bioluminescence Reporters. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL. 107:2712-2722.
Doyle, III FJ, Dassau E, Fuller RP, Jovanovic L, Fuller SM, Bevier WC, Rubin RR, Zisser HC.  2014.  Artificial Pancreas (AP) Clinical Trial Participants' Acceptance of Future AP Technology. DIABETES TECHNOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS. 16:590-595.
Doyle, III FJ, Dassau E, Fuller RP, Jovanovic L, Fuller SM, Bevier WC, Rubin RR, Zisser HC.  2014.  Artificial Pancreas (AP) Clinical Trial Participants' Acceptance of Future AP Technology. DIABETES TECHNOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS. 16:590-595.
Krintz C, Drawert B, Bellesia G, Gupta A, Petzold L, Horuk CB, Hellander A, Bales B, Wolski R, Douglas G.  2014.  Automatic and Portable Cloud Deployment for Scientific Simulations. :374-381.
Krintz C, Drawert B, Bellesia G, Gupta A, Petzold L, Horuk CB, Hellander A, Bales B, Wolski R, Douglas G.  2014.  Automatic and Portable Cloud Deployment for Scientific Simulations. :374-381.
Doyle, III FJ, Dassau E, Seborg DE, Harvey RA, Jovanovic L, Bevier WC, Zisser HC.  2014.  Clinical Evaluation of an Automated Artificial Pancreas Using Zone-Model Predictive Control and Health Monitoring System. DIABETES TECHNOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS. 16:348-357.
Doyle, III FJ, Dassau E, Seborg DE, Harvey RA, Jovanovic L, Bevier WC, Zisser HC.  2014.  Clinical Evaluation of an Automated Artificial Pancreas Using Zone-Model Predictive Control and Health Monitoring System. DIABETES TECHNOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS. 16:348-357.
Lee JBok, Doyle, III FJ, Dassau E, Zisser HC, Huyett LM.  2014.  Closed- Loop Artificial Pancreas Systems: Engineering the Algorithms. DIABETES CARE. 37:1191-1197.
Lee JBok, Doyle, III FJ, Dassau E, Zisser HC, Huyett LM.  2014.  Closed- Loop Artificial Pancreas Systems: Engineering the Algorithms. DIABETES CARE. 37:1191-1197.
Lee JJ, Doyle, III FJ, Zisser H, Dassau E.  2014.  Design and in silico evaluation of an intraperitoneal-subcutaneous (IP-SC) artificial pancreas. COMPUTERS & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. 70:180-188.
Lee JJ, Doyle, III FJ, Zisser H, Dassau E.  2014.  Design and in silico evaluation of an intraperitoneal-subcutaneous (IP-SC) artificial pancreas. COMPUTERS & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. 70:180-188.
Lee JJ, Doyle, III FJ, Gondhalekar R.  2014.  Design of an Artificial Pancreas using Zone Model Predictive Control with a Moving Horizon State Estimator. :6975-6980.
Mudumbai R., Madhow U., Brown, III D.R, Dasgupta S..  2014.  Distributed massive MIMO: algorithms, architectures and concept systems. :132-138.
Doyle, III FJ.  2014.  Engineering the Artificial Pancreas. Chinese Control Conference. :14-14.
Doyle, III FJ, Mensh BD, Burnett DR, Huyett LM, Zisser HC.  2014.  Glucose Sensing in the Peritoneal Space Offers Faster Kinetics Than Sensing in the Subcutaneous Space. DIABETES. 63:2498-2505.
Jain S, Doyle, III FJ, Rodriguez-Fernandez M, van der Greef J, Aschbacher K, A. Tomiyama J, Epel E, van Wietmarschen H.  2014.  The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal-leptin axis and metabolic health: a systems approach to resilience, robustness and control. INTERFACE FOCUS. 4
Doyle, III FJ, Hori Y, Wang Y, Hara S.  2014.  Intercellular Delay Regulates the Collective Period of Repressively Coupled Gene Regulatory Oscillator Networks. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 59:211-216.
Petzold L, Drawert B, Hellander A, Lawson MJ.  2014.  Local error estimates for adaptive simulation of the reaction-diffusion master equation via operator splitting. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS. 266:89-100.
Rahimi A.M, Doheny B.M, Sunderrajan S., Page H.M, Fedorov D.V, Miller R.J, Manjunath B.S.  2014.  Marine Biodiversity Classification using Dropout Regularization. :80-87.
Nunez F, Doyle, III FJ, Wang Y.  2014.  Mobility induced network evolution speeds up synchronization of wireless sensor networks. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :3553-3558.
Doyle, III FJ, Gondhalekar R, Dassau E.  2014.  Moving-horizon-like state estimation via continuous glucose monitor feedback in MPC of an artificial pancreas for type 1 diabetes. :310-315.
Doyle, III FJ, Gondhalekar R, Dassau E.  2014.  Moving-horizon-like state estimation via continuous glucose monitor feedback in MPC of an artificial pancreas for type 1 diabetes. :310-315.
