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A benchmark for methods in reverse engineering and model discrimination: Problem formulation and solutions. GENOME RESEARCH. 14:1773-1785.
2004. A column approximate minimum degree ordering algorithm. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON MATHEMATICAL SOFTWARE. 30:353-376.
2004. Detection of hiding in the least significant bit. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. 52:3046-3058.
2004. Hybrid approach to polymer grade transition control. AICHE JOURNAL. 50:2502-2513.
2004. Importance of process chemistry in selecting the operating policy for plants with recycle. INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 43:3957-3971.
2004. Investigation of cell stress during heterologous protein expression using a green fluorescent protein stress sensor.. 227:U227-U227.
2004. Manufacture of thin-film solar cells: Modeling and control of Cu(InGa)Se-2 physical vapor deposition onto a moving substrate. INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 43:566-576.
2004. Mathematical model predictions of a plugging phenomenon in an industrial single-vessel pulp digester. INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 43:5225-5232.
2004. Modeling of water transport in and release from glucose-sensitive swelling-controlled release systems based on poly(diethylaminoethyl methacrylate-g-ethylene glycol). INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 43:7500-7512.
2004. Nonlinear model order reduction and control of particle size distribution in a semibatch vinyl acetate/butyl acrylate emulsion copolymerization reactor. KOREAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. 21:168-176.
2004. Path-following for a class of nonlinear systems with unstable zero dynamics. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :4915-4920.
2004. Polymer grade transition control using advanced real-time optimization software. JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL. 14:349-364.
2004. A pulp mill benchmark problem for control: application of plantwide control design. JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL. 14:329-347.
2004. A pulp mill benchmark problem for control: problem description. JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL. 14:17-29.
2004. Reachability of particle size distribution in semibatch emulsion polymerization. AICHE JOURNAL. 50:3049-3059.
2004. Regulation of the emulsion particle size distribution to an optimal trajectory using partial least squares model-based predictive control. INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 43:7227-7237.
2004. Regulation of the emulsion particle size distribution to an optimal trajectory using partial least squares model-based predictive control. INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 43:7227-7237.
2004. Robustness properties of circadian clock architectures. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 101:13210-13215.
2004. A scaled feedback stabilization of power integrator triangular systems. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE. :1043-1048.
2004. A sensitivity approach to reachability analysis for particle size distribution in semibatch emulsion polymerization. INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 43:327-339.
2004. .
2004. Analysis of a circulant based preconditioner for a class of lower rank extracted systems. NUMERICAL LINEAR ALGEBRA WITH APPLICATIONS. 12:9-32.
2005. Analysis of cellular response to protein overexpression. IEE PROCEEDINGS SYSTEMS BIOLOGY. 152:285-289.
2005. Analysis of unfolded protein response during single-chain antibody expression in Saccaromyces cerevisiae reveals different roles for BiP and PDI in folding. METABOLIC ENGINEERING. 7:269-279.
2005. Batch control of genetic alterations for optimal metabolic engineering. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE. :3108-3114.