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Circadian rhythm: A natural, robust, multi-scale control system. COMPUTERS & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. 30:1700-1711.
2006. Control effort reduction in tracking feedback laws. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 51:1831-1837.
2006. Control of saturated linear plants via output feedback containing an internal deadzone loop. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 1-12:152-+.
2006. Design and modeling of a high-speed scanner for atomic force microscopy. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 1-12:502-+.
2006. Distributed optimal estimation from relative measurements for localization and time synchronization. DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING IN SENSOR SYSTEMS, PROCEEDINGS. 4026:266-281.
2006. Generalized parametric resonance in electrostatically actuated microelectromechanical oscillators. JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION. 296:797-829.
2006. Honey-pot constrained searching with local sensory information. NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-THEORY METHODS & APPLICATIONS. 65:1773-1793.
2006. Insight from economically optimal steady-state operating policies for dynamic plantwide control. INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 45:1343-1353.
2006. Isochron-based phase response analysis of circadian rhythms. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL. 91:2131-2141.
2006. .
2006. Model-based blood glucose control for Type 1 diabetes via parametric programming. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING. 53:1478-1491.
2006. Model-based blood glucose control for Type 1 diabetes via parametric programming. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING. 53:1478-1491.
2006. Model-based control in the pulp and paper industry. IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS MAGAZINE. 26:30-39.
2006. Module-based analysis of robustness tradeoffs in the heat shock response system. PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY. 2:663-675.
2006. Multiple feedback loop design in the tryptophan regulatory network of Escherichia coli suggests a paradigm for robust regulation of processes in series. JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY INTERFACE. 3:383-391.
2006. Nonlinear inferential multi-rate control of Kappa number at multiple locations in a continuous pulp digester. JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL. 16:1037-1053.
2006. Nonlinear inferential multi-rate control of Kappa number at multiple locations in a continuous pulp digester. JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL. 16:1037-1053.
2006. A novel computational model of the circadian clock in Arabidopsis that incorporates PRR7 and PRR9. MOLECULAR SYSTEMS BIOLOGY. 2
2006. Optimal genetic manipulations in batch bioreactor control. AUTOMATICA. 42:1723-1733.
2006. Path-following for linear systems with unstable zero dynamics. AUTOMATICA. 42:1673-1683.
2006. .
2006. Run-to-run control of blood glucose concentrations for people with type 1 diabetes mellitus. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING. 53:996-1005.
2006. Sensor networks and inverse scattering. :186-193.
2006. Sensor networks and inverse scattering. :186-193.
2006. Steady-state operating policies for plants with multiple reactions of equal overall order. INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 45:8056-8062.