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Reducing the mean size of API crystals by continuous manufacturing with product classification and recycle. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE. 65:5770-5780.
2010. Silencing of CDK5 Reduces Neurofibrillary Tangles in Transgenic Alzheimer's Mice. JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE. 30:13966-13976.
2010. Spectral Analysis of Synchronization in a Lossless Structure-Preserving Power Network Model. International Conference on Smart Grid Communications. :179-184.
2010. A streamwise constant model of turbulence in plane Couette flow. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS. 665:99-119.
2010. Synchronization and Transient Stability in Power Networks and Non-Uniform Kuramoto Oscillators. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :930-937.
2010. Systems Analysis for Systems Biology. SYSTEMS BIOMEDICINE: CONCEPTS AND PERSPECTIVES. :249-272.
2010. Velocity Response Curves Support the Role of Continuous Entrainment in Circadian Clocks. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL RHYTHMS. 25:138-149.
2010. Vulnerabilities in the Tau Network and the Role of Ultrasensitive Points in Tau Pathophysiology. PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY. 6
2010. Weakly coupled parametrically forced oscillator networks: existence, stability, and symmetry of solutions. NONLINEAR DYNAMICS. 59:661-680.
2010. Algorithms for regional source localization. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE. :5440-5445.
2009. Automatic Control in Systems Biology. SPRINGER HANDBOOK OF AUTOMATION. :1335-1360.
2009. Control of an industrial copper solvent extraction process. JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL. 19:2-15.
2009. CoTS: A Scalable Framework for Parallelizing Frequency Counting over Data Streams. IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering. :1323-1326.
2009. Data Transmission Over Networks for Estimation and Control. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 54:1807-1819.
2009. Dynamic energy budgets in syntrophic symbiotic relationships between heterotrophic hosts and photoautotrophic symbionts. JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY. 259:44-57.
2009. Dynamic energy budgets of syntrophic symbiotic relationships between heterotrophic hosts and photoautotrophic symbionts. 153A:S145-S145.
2009. Effect of Competing Reversible Reactions on Optimal Operating Policies for Plants with Recycle. INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 48:8037-8047.
2009. Effect of Input Excitation on the Quality of Empirical Dynamic Models for Type 1 Diabetes. AICHE JOURNAL. 55:1135-1146.
2009. Event-based minimum-time control of oscillatory neuron models. BIOLOGICAL CYBERNETICS. 101:387-399.
2009. Experimental validation studies on a multi-dimensional and multi-scale population balance model of batch granulation. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE. 64:775-786.
2009. .
2009. Identification of models for control of wet granulation. POWDER TECHNOLOGY. 188:255-263.
2009. In Silico Evaluation Platform for Artificial Pancreatic beta-Cell Development-A Dynamic Simulator for Closed-Loop Control with Hardware-in-the-Loop. DIABETES TECHNOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS. 11:187-194.
2009. In Silico Evaluation Platform for Artificial Pancreatic beta-Cell Development-A Dynamic Simulator for Closed-Loop Control with Hardware-in-the-Loop. DIABETES TECHNOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS. 11:187-194.