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Griffin DW, Doherty MF, Mellichamp DA.  2010.  Reducing the mean size of API crystals by continuous manufacturing with product classification and recycle. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE. 65:5770-5780.
Kosik KS, Piedrahita D, Hernandez I, Lopez-Tobon A, Obara B, Fedorov D, Davidson B, LaFerla F, Boudreau RL, Manjunath B.S et al..  2010.  Silencing of CDK5 Reduces Neurofibrillary Tangles in Transgenic Alzheimer's Mice. JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE. 30:13966-13976.
Bullo F, Doerfler F.  2010.  Spectral Analysis of Synchronization in a Lossless Structure-Preserving Power Network Model. International Conference on Smart Grid Communications. :179-184.
McKeon B.J, Doyle J.C, Gayme D.F, Bamieh B., Papachristodoulou A..  2010.  A streamwise constant model of turbulence in plane Couette flow. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS. 665:99-119.
Bullo F, Doerfler F.  2010.  Synchronization and Transient Stability in Power Networks and Non-Uniform Kuramoto Oscillators. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :930-937.
Doyle, III FJ, Shoemaker J, Bagheri N, Mirsky H, Petzold L, Gunawan R, Hildebrandt S, Taylor S.  2010.  Systems Analysis for Systems Biology. SYSTEMS BIOMEDICINE: CONCEPTS AND PERSPECTIVES. :249-272.
Doyle, III FJ, Petzold LR, Smith KS, Taylor SR, Webb AB.  2010.  Velocity Response Curves Support the Role of Continuous Entrainment in Circadian Clocks. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL RHYTHMS. 25:138-149.
Robinson A, Kosik KS, Doyle, III FJ, Neveu P, Yuraszeck TM, Rodriguez-Fernandez M.  2010.  Vulnerabilities in the Tau Network and the Role of Ultrasensitive Points in Tau Pathophysiology. PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY. 6
Danzl P, Moehlis J.  2010.  Weakly coupled parametrically forced oscillator networks: existence, stability, and symmetry of solutions. NONLINEAR DYNAMICS. 59:661-680.
Bullo F, Dandach SH.  2009.  Algorithms for regional source localization. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE. :5440-5445.
Doyle, III FJ, Shoemaker JE, Gunawan R, Mirsky H, Stelling J, Taylor SR, Bagheri N, Kwei E.  2009.  Automatic Control in Systems Biology. SPRINGER HANDBOOK OF AUTOMATION. :1335-1360.
Jamsa-Jounela S-L, Doyle, III FJ, Komulainen T, Rantala A.  2009.  Control of an industrial copper solvent extraction process. JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL. 19:2-15.
Agrawal D, Abbadi AEl, Das S, Antony S.  2009.  CoTS: A Scalable Framework for Parallelizing Frequency Counting over Data Streams. IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering. :1323-1326.
Hespanha JP, Hassibi B, Dana AF, Murray RM, Gupta V.  2009.  Data Transmission Over Networks for Estimation and Control. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 54:1807-1819.
Doyle FJ, Kooijman SALM, Muller EB, Nisbet RM, Edmunds PJ.  2009.  Dynamic energy budgets in syntrophic symbiotic relationships between heterotrophic hosts and photoautotrophic symbionts. JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY. 259:44-57.
Edmunds P, Kooijman S, Doyle FJ, Muller EB, Nisbet RM.  2009.  Dynamic energy budgets of syntrophic symbiotic relationships between heterotrophic hosts and photoautotrophic symbionts. 153A:S145-S145.
Griffin DW, Doherty MF, Mellichamp DA.  2009.  Effect of Competing Reversible Reactions on Optimal Operating Policies for Plants with Recycle. INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 48:8037-8047.
Doyle, III FJ, Zisser H, Seborg DE, Palerm CC, Jovanovic L, Bevier WC, Finan DA.  2009.  Effect of Input Excitation on the Quality of Empirical Dynamic Models for Type 1 Diabetes. AICHE JOURNAL. 55:1135-1146.
Danzl P, Hespanha J, Moehlis J.  2009.  Event-based minimum-time control of oscillatory neuron models. BIOLOGICAL CYBERNETICS. 101:387-399.
Wang F-Y, Doyle, III FJ, Litster JD, Cameron IT, Sanders CFW, Poon JM-H, Stepanek F, Ramachandran R, Glaser T, Immanuel CD.  2009.  Experimental validation studies on a multi-dimensional and multi-scale population balance model of batch granulation. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE. 64:775-786.
Turner K.L, Moran K., DeMartini B.E, Astrom K.J.  2009.  Frequency Resolution of a Multi Degree of Freedom Resonator. :866-+.
Hounslow MJ, Doyle, III FJ, Sanders CFW.  2009.  Identification of models for control of wet granulation. POWDER TECHNOLOGY. 188:255-263.
Doyle, III FJ, Zisser H, Dassau E, Palerm CC, Jovanovic L, Buckingham BA.  2009.  In Silico Evaluation Platform for Artificial Pancreatic beta-Cell Development-A Dynamic Simulator for Closed-Loop Control with Hardware-in-the-Loop. DIABETES TECHNOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS. 11:187-194.
Doyle, III FJ, Zisser H, Dassau E, Palerm CC, Jovanovic L, Buckingham BA.  2009.  In Silico Evaluation Platform for Artificial Pancreatic beta-Cell Development-A Dynamic Simulator for Closed-Loop Control with Hardware-in-the-Loop. DIABETES TECHNOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS. 11:187-194.
