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Multicenter Closed-Loop Insulin Delivery Study Points to Challenges for Keeping Blood Glucose in a Safe Range by a Control Algorithm in Adults and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes from Various Sites. DIABETES TECHNOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS. 16:613-622.
2014. Multicenter Closed-Loop Insulin Delivery Study Points to Challenges for Keeping Blood Glucose in a Safe Range by a Control Algorithm in Adults and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes from Various Sites. DIABETES TECHNOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS. 16:613-622.
2014. Multicenter Closed-Loop Insulin Delivery Study Points to Challenges for Keeping Blood Glucose in a Safe Range by a Control Algorithm in Adults and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes from Various Sites. DIABETES TECHNOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS. 16:613-622.
2014. Multicenter Closed-Loop/Hybrid Meal Bolus Insulin Delivery with Type 1 Diabetes. DIABETES TECHNOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS. 16:623-632.
2014. .
2014. A Multivariate Ensemble Approach for Identification of Biomarkers: Application to Breast Cancer. 47:809-814.
2014. A Multivariate Ensemble Approach for Identification of Biomarkers: Application to Breast Cancer. 47:809-814.
2014. Online Prediction of Subcutaneous Glucose Concentration for Type 1 Diabetes Using Empirical Models and Frequency-Band Separation. AICHE JOURNAL. 60:574-584.
2014. Online Prediction of Subcutaneous Glucose Concentration for Type 1 Diabetes Using Empirical Models and Frequency-Band Separation. AICHE JOURNAL. 60:574-584.
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2014. Quantity and accessibility for specific targeting of receptors in tumours. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 4
2014. Reducing Risks in Type 1 Diabetes Using H infinity Control. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING. 61:2939-2947.
2014. Reducing Risks in Type 1 Diabetes Using H infinity Control. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING. 61:2939-2947.
2014. .
2014. Safety of Outpatient Closed-Loop Control: First Randomized Crossover Trials of a Wearable Artificial Pancreas. DIABETES CARE. 37:1789-1796.
2014. Safety of Outpatient Closed-Loop Control: First Randomized Crossover Trials of a Wearable Artificial Pancreas. DIABETES CARE. 37:1789-1796.
2014. Safety of Outpatient Closed-Loop Control: First Randomized Crossover Trials of a Wearable Artificial Pancreas. DIABETES CARE. 37:1789-1796.
2014. Safety of Outpatient Closed-Loop Control: First Randomized Crossover Trials of a Wearable Artificial Pancreas. DIABETES CARE. 37:1789-1796.
2014. Sparsity-Promoting Optimal Wide-Area Control of Power Networks. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS. 29:2281-2291.
2014. Spatiotemporal separation of PER and CRY posttranslational regulation in the mammalian circadian clock. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 111:2040-2045.
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2014. Synchronization in complex networks of phase oscillators: A survey. AUTOMATICA. 50:1539-1564.
2014. Adaptive blood glucose control for intensive care applications. COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE. 109:144-156.