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Application of Zone Model Predictive Control Artificial Pancreas During Extended Use of Infusion Set and Sensor: A Randomized Crossover-Controlled Home-Use Trial. DIABETES CARE. 40:1096-1102.
2017. Application of Zone Model Predictive Control Artificial Pancreas During Extended Use of Infusion Set and Sensor: A Randomized Crossover-Controlled Home-Use Trial. DIABETES CARE. 40:1096-1102.
2017. Compression and recovery of carbon nanotube forests described as a phase transition. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES. 122:196-209.
2017. Control With Minimal Cost-Per-Symbol Encoding and Quasi-Optimality of Event-Based Encoders. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 62:2286-2301.
2017. Fault detection for LPV systems using Set-Valued Observers: A coprime factorization approach. SYSTEMS & CONTROL LETTERS. 106:32-39.
2017. Feasibility of Long-Term Closed-Loop Control: A Multicenter 6-Month Trial of 24/7 Automated Insulin Delivery. DIABETES TECHNOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS. 19:18-+.
2017. A Framework for Predicting Impacts on Ecosystem Services From (Sub)Organismal Responses to Chemicals. ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY. 36:845-859.
2017. In vivo quantification of spatially varying mechanical properties in developing tissues. NATURE METHODS. 14:181-186.
2017. Online Optimal Operation of Parallel Voltage-Source Inverters Using Partial Information. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS. 64:4296-4305.
2017. Outpatient Closed-Loop Control with Unannounced Moderate Exercise in Adolescents Using Zone Model Predictive Control. DIABETES TECHNOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS. 19:331-339.
2017. Quickest detection in the Wiener disorder problem with post-change uncertainty. STOCHASTICS-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PROBABILITY AND STOCHASTIC REPORTS. 89:654-685.
2017. Reaction rates for reaction-diffusion kinetics on unstructured meshes. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 146
2017. Simultaneous nonlinear model predictive control and state estimation. AUTOMATICA. 77:143-154.
2017. Stabilization of systems with asynchronous sensors and controllers. AUTOMATICA. 81:314-321.
2017. Stochastic and deterministic fault detection for randomized gossip algorithms. AUTOMATICA. 78:46-60.
2017. Team RoboSimian: Semi-autonomous Mobile Manipulation at the 2015 DARPA Robotics Challenge Finals. JOURNAL OF FIELD ROBOTICS. 34:305-332.
2017. Applied Koopman operator theory for power systems technology. IEICE NONLINEAR THEORY AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 7:430-459.
2016. Approximate optimal adaptive control for weakly coupled nonlinear systems: A neuro-inspired approach. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADAPTIVE CONTROL AND SIGNAL PROCESSING. 30:1494-1522.
2016. Asymptotically Stable Adaptive-Optimal Control Algorithm With Saturating Actuators and Relaxed Persistence of Excitation. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS. 27:2386-2398.
2016. Conditions for Saddle-Point Equilibria in Output-Feedback MPC with MHE. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :13-19.
2016. Eye-CU: Sleep Pose Classification for Healthcare using Multimodal Multiview Data. IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision.
2016. On the feasibility of life-saving locomotive bumpers. ACCIDENT ANALYSIS AND PREVENTION. 89:103-110.
2016. A framework for discrete stochastic simulation on 3D moving boundary domains. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 145
2016. Functional network inference of the suprachiasmatic nucleus. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 113:4512-4517.