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Hosomi T, Sahin C, Seo Y, Korpeoglu E, Agrawal D, Abbadi AEl.  2013.  Dragonfly: Cloud assisted Peer-to-Peer Architecture for Multipoint Media Streaming Applications. IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing. :269-276.
Gimenez P, Mezic I, Loire S, Kauffmann P, Meinhart C.  2013.  ELECTROTHERMAL BLINKING VORTICES FOR CHAOTIC MIXING. :689-690.
Breton MD, Kovatchev BP, Doyle, III FJ, Keith-Hynes P, Place J, Visentin R, Cobelli C, Bruttomesso D, Filippi A, Renard E et al..  2013.  Feasibility of Outpatient Fully Integrated Closed-Loop Control First studies of wearable artificial pancreas. DIABETES CARE. 36:1851-1858.
Breton MD, Kovatchev BP, Doyle, III FJ, Keith-Hynes P, Place J, Visentin R, Cobelli C, Bruttomesso D, Filippi A, Renard E et al..  2013.  Feasibility of Outpatient Fully Integrated Closed-Loop Control First studies of wearable artificial pancreas. DIABETES CARE. 36:1851-1858.
Jagadeesh V, Karthikeyan S., Shenoy R, Manjunath B.S, Eckstein M.  2013.  From Where and How to What We See. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. :625-632.
Rhein K., Finan D.A, Zisser H., Anderson S.M, Doyle F.J, McCann T.W, Dassau E., Venugopalan R., Kovatchev B., Anhalt H..  2013.  FURTHER FEASIBILITY-STUDY RESULTS FOR THE HYPOGLYCEMIA-HYPERGLYCEMIA MINIMIZER (HHM) SYSTEM. 15:A94-A94.
Fox A, Lugowski A, Williams S, Oliker L, Kamil S, Buluc A, Duriakova E, Gilbert JR.  2013.  High-Productivity and High-Performance Analysis of Filtered Semantic Graphs. International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium IPDPS. :237-248.
Li H, Petzold L, Busch M, Moehlis J, Couzin ID, Kolpas A.  2013.  How the Spatial Position of Individuals Affects Their Influence on Swarms: A Numerical Comparison of Two Popular Swarm Dynamics Models. PLOS ONE. 8
Anhalt H., Finan D.A, Zisser H., Doyle F.J, McCann T.W, Dassau E., Venugopalan R., Kovatchev B., Patek S.D, Breton M..  2013.  HYPOGLYCEMIA SAFEGUARD CAPABILITIES OF THE PREDICTIVE HYPOGLYCEMIA-HYPERGLYCEMIA MINIMIZER (HHM) SYSTEM. 15:A78-A78.
Jagadeesh V, Karthikeyan S., Manjunath B.S.  2013.  LEARNING BOTTOM-UP TEXT ATTENTION MAPS FOR TEXT DETECTION USING STROKE WIDTH TRANSFORM. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP. :3312-3316.
Jagadeesh V, Karthikeyan S., Manjunath B.S.  2013.  LEARNING TOP DOWN SCENE CONTEXT FOR VISUAL ATTENTION MODELING IN NATURAL IMAGES. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP. :211-215.
Pham T, Isaacs JT, Venkateswaran S, Madhow U, Hespanha J, Klein DJ, Burman J.  2013.  Localization with Sparse Acoustic Sensor Network Using UAVs as Information-Seeking Data Mules. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SENSOR NETWORKS. 9
Bidigare P, Kraut S, D. Brown, III R, Madhow U.  2013.  MIMO Channel Prediction Results on Outdoor Collected Data. Conference Record of the Asilomar Conference on Signals Systems and Computers. :592-596.
Krechetnikov R., Mayer H.C.  2013.  The nature of chemical reaction-driven tip-streaming. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 113
Doyle, III FJ, Herzog ED, Tsai CA, Granados-Fuentes D, Mazuski C, Harang R, Petzold LR, Meeker K, Kim J, An S.  2013.  A neuropeptide speeds circadian entrainment by reducing intercellular synchrony. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 110:E4355-E4361.
Shaw SW, Turner KL, Rhoads JF, Kumar V.  2013.  The non-linear dynamics of electromagnetically actuated microbeam resonators with purely parametric excitations. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NON-LINEAR MECHANICS. 55:79-89.
Kenig E, Cross M.C, Wiesenfeld K, Moehlis J.  2013.  Phase noise of oscillators with unsaturated amplifiers. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 88
Karthikeyan S., Santhoshkumar S., Manjunath B.S.  2013.  ROBUST MULTIPLE OBJECT TRACKING BY DETECTION WITH INTERACTING MARKOV CHAIN MONTE CARLO. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP. :2953-2957.
Petzold L, Drawert B, Khammash M, Yi T-M, Lawson MJ.  2013.  Spatial Stochastic Dynamics Enable Robust Cell Polarization. PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY. 9
Mattson T, Feo J, Bader D, Berry J, Gonzalez J, Kepner J, Leiserson C, Faloutsos C, Gilbert J, Lumsdaine A et al..  2013.  Standards for Graph Algorithm Primitives. IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference.
Banerjee S, Manjunath BS, Kosik KS, Jammalamadaka A.  2013.  Statistical analysis of dendritic spine distributions in rat hippocampal cultures. BMC BIOINFORMATICS. 14
Khammash M, Tan RZhen, Munsky B, van Oudenaarden A, Neuert G, Teytelman L.  2013.  Systematic Identification of Signal-Activated Stochastic Gene Regulation. SCIENCE. 339:584-587.
Krintz C, Drawert B, Bellesia G, Gupta A, Petzold L, Horuk CB, Hellander A, Bales B, Wolski R, Douglas G.  2014.  Automatic and Portable Cloud Deployment for Scientific Simulations. :374-381.
Fagiano L, Morari M, Khammash M, Zgraggen AU.  2014.  Automatic Crosswind Flight of Tethered Wings for Airborne Wind Energy: Modeling, Control Design, and Experimental Results. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY. 22:1433-1447.
Ni Z, Manjunath B.S, Kuo T, Sunderrajan S.  2014.  Calibrating a Wide-Area Camera Network with Non-Overlapping Views Using Mobile Devices. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SENSOR NETWORKS. 10
