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Feedback regulation of the heat shock response in E-coli.. MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH IN CONTROL. 289:115-128.
2003. Feedback regulation of the heat shock response in E-coli.. MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH IN CONTROL. 289:115-128.
2003. .
2003. Joint noncoherent demodulation and decoding for the block fading channel: A practical framework for approaching Shannon capacity. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS. 51:1676-1689.
2003. l(1) controller design for a high-order 5-pool irrigation canal system. JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME. 125:639-645.
2003. Lyapunov-based adaptive control of MIMO systems. AUTOMATICA. 39:1251-1257.
2003. .
2003. Boundedness without absolute stability in systems with stiffening nonlinearities. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CONTROL. 8:243-250.
2002. Color image segmentation using anisotropic diffusion and agglomerative hierarchical clustering. ADVANCES IN MULTIMEDIA INFORMATION PROCESSING - PCM 2002, PROCEEDING. 2532:759-766.
2002. Detecting path intersections in panoramic video. :A529-A532.
2002. Halo orbit mission correction maneuvers using optimal control. AUTOMATICA. 38:571-583.
2002. Image segmentation using curve evolution and flow fields. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). :105-108.
2002. Image segmentation using curve evolution and region stability. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PATTERN RECOGNITION. :965-968.
2002. Robustness of discontinuous feedback via sample and hold control. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 1-6:3512-3517.
2002. A backstepping approach to control of active suspensions. IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL - PROCEEDINGS. :4170-4175.
2001. Backstepping design with local optimality matching. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 46:1014-1027.
2001. Backstepping design with local optimality matching. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 46:1014-1027.
2001. A brief look at the Tsypkin criterion: from analysis to design. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADAPTIVE CONTROL AND SIGNAL PROCESSING. 15:121-128.
2001. Constructive nonlinear control: a historical perspective. AUTOMATICA. 37:637-662.
2001. Disturbance attenuating output-feedback control of nonlinear systems with local optimality. AUTOMATICA. 37:805-817.
2001. An efficient color representation for image retrieval. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING. 10:140-147.
2001. Feasibility conditions for circle criterion designs. SYSTEMS & CONTROL LETTERS. 42:405-412.
2001. Global output tracking control of a class of Euler-Lagrange systems with monotonic non-linearities in the velocities. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL. 74:649-658.
2001. Image segmentation using curve evolution. CONFERENCE RECORD OF THE ASILOMAR CONFERENCE ON SIGNALS, SYSTEMS AND COMPUTERS. :1141-1145.
2001. Linear parametrically varying systems with brief instabilities: An application to integrated Vision/IMU navigation. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :2361-2371.