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MPEG-7 homogeneous texture descriptor. ETRI JOURNAL. 23:41-51.
2001. MPEG-7 homogeneous texture descriptor. ETRI JOURNAL. 23:41-51.
2001. MPEG-7 homogeneous texture descriptor. ETRI JOURNAL. 23:41-51.
2001. Nonlinear active suspension with preview. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE. :2640-2645.
2001. Nonlinear H-infinity control of active suspensions. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE. :3329-3334.
2001. Nonlinear observers: a circle criterion design and robustness analysis. AUTOMATICA. 37:1923-1930.
2001. Object-based representations of spatial images. ACTA ASTRONAUTICA. 48:567-577.
2001. Observer-based control of systems with slope-restricted nonlinearities. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 46:1146-1150.
2001. Optimal nonlinear distributed control of spatially-invariant systems. IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL - PROCEEDINGS. :4382-4387.
2001. On passivation with dynamic output feedback. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 46:962-967.
2001. Probabilistic map building for aircraft-tracking radars. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :4381-4386.
2001. Recording the region of interest from flycam panoramic video. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP. :409-412.
2001. Redesign of backstepping for robustness against unmodelled dynamics. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL. 11:633-643.
2001. Robust nonlinear control of feedforward systems with unmodeled dynamics. AUTOMATICA. 37:265-272.
2001. Activation of nonlinear feedback concepts. Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science. 518:379-389.
2000. Computational algorithm for dynamic optimization of chemical vapor deposition processes in stagnation flow reactors. JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY. 147:2718-2726.
2000. On the control of dynamic systems with unknown operating point. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL. 73:600-605.
2000. Fundamental limits to force detection using quartz tuning forks. REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS. 71:2776-2780.
2000. Fundamental limits to force detection using quartz tuning forks. REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS. 71:2776-2780.
2000. Locally optimal and robust backstepping design. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 45:260-271.
2000. L-P-Theory for fully nonlinear uniformly parabolic equations.. COMMUNICATIONS IN PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 25:1997-2053.
2000. Nonlinear control experiments on an axial flow compressor. IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL - PROCEEDINGS. :1329-1334.
2000. A numerical study of transient ignition in a counterflow nonpremixed methane-air flame using adaptive time integration. COMBUSTION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 158:341-363.
2000. Optimal control for halo orbit missions. IFAC WORKSHOP SERIES. :1-6.
2000. Robust nested saturation redesign for systems with input unmodeled dynamics. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :150-154.