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2002. .
Image segmentation using curve evolution and flow fields. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). :105-108.
2002. Image segmentation using curve evolution and region stability. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PATTERN RECOGNITION. :965-968.
2002. The lord of the rings: Efficient maintanence of views at data warehouses. DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING, PROCEEDINGS. 2508:33-47.
2002. Modeling object classes in aerial images using hidden Markov models. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). :860-863.
2002. Modeling object classes in aerial images using texture motifs. International Conference on Pattern Recognition. :981-984.
2002. Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics for a vortex gas. JOURNAL OF TURBULENCE. 3
2002. .
2002. Probabilistic motion parameter models for human activity recognition. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PATTERN RECOGNITION. :443-446.
2002. .
2002. Representation of motion activity in hierarchical levels for video indexing and filtering. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). :149-152.
2002. Scalable spatial event representation. :A229-A232.
2002. Scheduling heavy-tailed data traffic over the wireless Internet. IEEE VTS Vehicular Technology Conference Proceedings. :1158-1162.
2002. Spectrally efficient noncoherent communication. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY. 48:651-668.
2002. Statistical properties of controlled fluid flows with applications to control of mixing. SYSTEMS & CONTROL LETTERS. 45:249-256.
2002. Supervision of integral-input-to-state stabilizing controllers. AUTOMATICA. 38:1327-1335.
2002. Switching between stabilizing controllers. AUTOMATICA. 38:1905-1917.
2002. Touch in virtual environments - Haptics and the design of interactive systems - Introduction to haptics. PRENTICE HALL IMSC PRESS MULTIMEDIA SERIES. :1-31.
2002. Adaptive multiuser detection for mobile-centric fast handoffs in pseudocellular wireless networks. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Proceedings. :796-800.
2003. Closed-form solutions in the electrical field analysis for dielectrophoretic and travelling wave inter-digitated electrode arrays. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS. 36:3073-3078.
2003. A condition number for point matching with application to registration and postregistration error estimation. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE. 25:1437-1454.
2003. Control of Heisenberg spin systems; Lie algebraic decompositions and action-angle variables. :4174-4178.
2003. Control of vortex elements: Flat coordinates vs. adiabatic control. IFAC WORKSHOP SERIES. :217-222.
2003. .