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Controllability, integrability and ergodicity. MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH IN CONTROL. 289:213-229.
2003. Controllability of Hamiltonian systems with drift: Action-angle variables and ergodic partition. :2585-2592.
2003. Cross-layer optimization of the reservation channel in a pseudocellular network: Mobile-centric fast handoffs via multiuser detection. CONFERENCE RECORD OF THE ASILOMAR CONFERENCE ON SIGNALS, SYSTEMS AND COMPUTERS. :1733-1737.
2003. Efficient optimization approaches to nonlinear model predictive control. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL. 13:309-329.
2003. Evolution of multimodal particle size distribution in vinyl acetate/butyl acrylate emulsion copolymerizations. JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY. 41:2232-2249.
2003. .
2003. Extremum seeking methods for optimization of variable cam timing engine operation. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE. :3136-3141.
2003. Fair scheduling with tunable latency: A round-robin approach. IEEE-ACM TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING. 11:592-601.
2003. Hybrid dynamics of two coupled oscillators that can impact a fixed stop. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NON-LINEAR MECHANICS. 38:677-689.
2003. Hybrid dynamics of two coupled oscillators that can impact a fixed stop. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NON-LINEAR MECHANICS. 38:677-689.
2003. Hysteresis-based switching algorithms for supervisory control of uncertain systems. AUTOMATICA. 39:263-272.
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2003. Joint noncoherent demodulation and decoding for the block fading channel: A practical framework for approaching Shannon capacity. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS. 51:1676-1689.
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2003. l(1) controller design for a high-order 5-pool irrigation canal system. JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME. 125:639-645.
2003. Large area GaNHEMT power devices for power electronic applications: Switching and temperature characteristics. IEEE POWER ELECTRONICS SPECIALISTS CONFERENCE RECORDS. :233-237.
2003. Large area GaNHEMT power devices for power electronic applications: Switching and temperature characteristics. IEEE POWER ELECTRONICS SPECIALISTS CONFERENCE RECORDS. :233-237.
2003. Large area GaNHEMT power devices for power electronic applications: Switching and temperature characteristics. IEEE POWER ELECTRONICS SPECIALISTS CONFERENCE RECORDS. :233-237.
2003. LLRT based detection of LSB hiding. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP. :497-500.
2003. LLRT based detection of LSB hiding. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP. :497-500.
2003. Measurement of AC electrokinetic flows. BIOMEDICAL MICRODEVICES. 5:139-145.
2003. Model predictive control when a local control Lyapunov function is not available. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :4125-4130.
2003. A multiscale measure for mixing and its applications. :2314-2321.