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A non-commutative Positivstellensatz on isometries. JOURNAL FUR DIE REINE UND ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK. 568:71-80.
2004. Nonlinear antiwindup applied to Euler-Lagrange systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION. 20:526-537.
2004. Optimal control of a co-rotating vortex pair: Averaging and impulsive control. PHYSICA D-NONLINEAR PHENOMENA. 192:63-82.
2004. Optimal mixing in recirculation zones. PHYSICS OF FLUIDS. 16:867-888.
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2004. Polymer grade transition control using advanced real-time optimization software. JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL. 14:349-364.
2004. Range CUBE: Efficient cube computation by exploiting data correlation. IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering. :658-669.
2004. Robust image-adaptive data hiding using erasure and error correction. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING. 13:1627-1639.
2004. Robust image-adaptive data hiding using erasure and error correction. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING. 13:1627-1639.
2004. Robust stabilization of discrete-time nonlinear systems by certainty equivalence output feedback with applications to model predictive control. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :2202-2207.
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2004. Space-time communication for OFDM with implicit channel feedback. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY. 50:3111-3129.
2004. Space-time precoding with mean and covariance feedback: Implications for wideband systems. :284-284.
2004. Spread-spectrum techniques for distributed space-time communication in sensor networks. CONFERENCE RECORD OF THE ASILOMAR CONFERENCE ON SIGNALS, SYSTEMS AND COMPUTERS. :908-912.
2004. Spread-spectrum techniques for distributed space-time communication in sensor networks. CONFERENCE RECORD OF THE ASILOMAR CONFERENCE ON SIGNALS, SYSTEMS AND COMPUTERS. :908-912.
2004. Steganalysis of quantization index modulation data hiding. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). :1165-1168.
2004. Steganalysis of quantization index modulation data hiding. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). :1165-1168.
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2004. Transverse momentum micromixer optimization with evolution strategies. COMPUTERS & FLUIDS. 33:521-531.
2004. Transverse momentum micromixer optimization with evolution strategies. COMPUTERS & FLUIDS. 33:521-531.