
Found 1242 results
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Mezic I, Runolfsson T.  2004.  Uncertainty analysis of complex dynamical systems. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE. :2659-2664.
Manjunath BS, Bhagavathy S, Newsam S, Wang L.  2004.  Using texture to analyze and manage large collections of remote sensed image and video data. APPLIED OPTICS. 43:210-217.
Ananthasubramaniam B, Madhow U.  2004.  Virtual radar approach to event localization in sensor networks. :517-517.
Ananthasubramaniam B, Madhow U.  2004.  Virtual radar imaging for sensor networks. :294-300.
Madhow U, Barriac G, Jacobsen N.  2004.  Wideband space-time communication: From propagation-based models to information-theoretic design prescriptions. :6-10.
Manjunath BS, Kenney CS, Zuliani M.  2005.  An axiomatic approach to corner detection. PROCEEDINGS - IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION AND PATTERN RECOGNITION. :191-197.
Madhow U, Singer AC, Nelson JK, McGahey S.  2005.  BAD: Bidirectional arbitrated decision-feedback equalization. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS. 53:214-218.
Madhow U, Singer AC, Nelson JK, McGahey S.  2005.  BAD: Bidirectional arbitrated decision-feedback equalization. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS. 53:214-218.
Doyle FJ, Mahadevan R, Gadkar KG.  2005.  Batch control of genetic alterations for optimal metabolic engineering. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE. :3108-3114.
Medard M, Madhow U, Abou-Faycal I.  2005.  Binary adaptive coded pilot symbol assisted modulation over Rayleigh fading channels without feedback. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS. 53:1036-1046.
Medard M, Madhow U, Abou-Faycal I.  2005.  Binary adaptive coded pilot symbol assisted modulation over Rayleigh fading channels without feedback. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS. 53:1036-1046.
Madhow U, Rodwell MJW, Seo M.  2005.  Comprehensive digital correction of mismatch errors for a 400-msamples/s 80-dB SFDR time-interleaved analog-to-digital converter. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES. 53:1072-1082.
Tuval I, Piro O, Mezic I, Bottausci F, Zhang YT, MacDonald NC.  2005.  Control of particles in microelectrode devices. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 95
Tuval I, Piro O, Mezic I, Bottausci F, Zhang YT, MacDonald NC.  2005.  Control of particles in microelectrode devices. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 95
MacDonald NC, Mezic I, Loire S, Zhang Y, Bottausci F.  2005.  Controlled separation and trapping of particles using two-frequency DEP. Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems Division of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 7:543-549.
MacDonald NC, Mezic I, Loire S, Zhang Y, Bottausci F.  2005.  Controlled separation and trapping of particles using two-frequency DEP. Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems Division of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 7:543-549.
Ananthasubramaniam B, Madhow U.  2005.  Detection and localization of events in Imaging Sensor Nets. :825-829.
Madhow U, Bruvold K, Zhu LPJ.  2005.  Differential MMSE: A framework for robust adaptive interference suppression for DS-CDMA over fading channels. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS. 53:1377-1390.
Tuna SE, Messina MJ, Teel AR.  2005.  Discrete-time certainty equivalence output feedback: allowing discontinuous control laws including those from model predictive control. AUTOMATICA. 41:617-628.
MacDonald NC, Bowers JE, Cole GD, Turner KL.  2005.  Dynamic characterization of MEMS-tunable vertical-cavity SOAs. :99-100.
Metwally A, Agrawal D, A Abbadi E.  2005.  Efficient computation of frequent and top-k elements in data streams. DATABASE THEORY - ICDT 2005, PROCEEDINGS. 3363:398-412.
Doyle FJ, Mahadevan R, Edwards JS, Gadkar KG.  2005.  Estimating optimal profiles of genetic alterations using constraint-based models. BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOENGINEERING. 89:243-251.
Bottausci F., Mezic I., Zhang Y.T, MacDonald N.C.  2005.  Experimental study of two-frequency dielectrophoresis effects on a linear electrode array. PROCEEDINGS OF ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEE ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY SOCIETY. :1020-1023.
Bottausci F., Mezic I., Zhang Y.T, MacDonald N.C.  2005.  Experimental study of two-frequency dielectrophoresis effects on a linear electrode array. PROCEEDINGS OF ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEE ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY SOCIETY. :1020-1023.
Lughi V, Callaghan LA, Requa MV, Clarke DR, MacDonald NC, Turner KL.  2005.  Fabrication and testing of beam supported AlNFBARs. PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE INTERNATIONAL FREQUENCY CONTROL SYMPOSIUM. :18-21.
