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Mezic I.  2005.  Spectral properties of dynamical systems, model reduction and decompositions. NONLINEAR DYNAMICS. 41:309-325.
Manjunath BS, Sullivan K, Solanki K, Madhow U, Chandrasekaran S.  2005.  Statistical restoration for robust and secure steganography. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). :2237-2240.
Manjunath BS, Sullivan K, Solanki K, Madhow U, Chandrasekaran S.  2005.  Statistical restoration for robust and secure steganography. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). :2237-2240.
Chandrasekaran S, Madhow U, Manjunath BS, Sullivan K.  2005.  Steganalysis of spread spectrum data hiding exploiting cover memory. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE). 5681:38-46.
Chandrasekaran S, Madhow U, Manjunath BS, Sullivan K.  2005.  Steganalysis of spread spectrum data hiding exploiting cover memory. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE). 5681:38-46.
Bullo F, Cortes J, Frazzoli E, Martinez S.  2005.  On synchronous robotic networks Part I: Models, tasks and complexity notions. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :2847-2852.
Bullo F, Cortes J, Frazzoli E, Martinez S.  2005.  On synchronous robotic networks Part II: Time complexity of rendezvous and deployment algorithms. IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL - PROCEEDINGS. :8313-8318.
Mezic I, Gruenewald PJ, Gorman DM, Mezic J.  2006.  Agent-based modeling of drinking behavior: A preliminary model and potential applications to theory and practice. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. 96:2055-2060.
Mezic I, Gruenewald PJ, Gorman DM, Mezic J.  2006.  Agent-based modeling of drinking behavior: A preliminary model and potential applications to theory and practice. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. 96:2055-2060.
Zaccarian L, Marcinkowski JJ, Teel AR.  2006.  An anti-windup strategy for active vibration isolation systems. CONTROL ENGINEERING PRACTICE. 14:17-27.
Madhow U, Solanki K, Manjunath B.S.  2006.  'Print and scan' resilient data hiding in images. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICS AND SECURITY. 1:464-478.
Madhow U, Solanki K, Manjunath B.S.  2006.  'Print and scan' resilient data hiding in images. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICS AND SECURITY. 1:464-478.
Altinok A., Wilson L., Feinstein S.C, Kiris E., Manjunath B., Rose K..  2006.  Automated Microtubule Tracking and Analysis. 17
Fisher SK, Lewis GP, Byun J, Verardo MR, Manjunath B.S, Sumengen B.  2006.  Automated tool for the detection of cell nuclei in digital microscopic images: Application to retinal images. MOLECULAR VISION. 12:949-960.
Altinok A., Wilson L., Feinstein S., Manjunath B.S, Peck A., Saban M., Kenney C., Rose K..  2006.  Automated tracking and modeling of microtubule dynamics. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging. :1032-+.
Rodwell MJW, Madhow U, Seo M.  2006.  Blind correction of gain and timing mismatches for a two-channel time-interleaved analog-to-digital converter: Experimental verification. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. :3394-+.
Moehlis J.  2006.  Canards for a reduction of the Hodgkin-Huxley equations. JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY. 52:141-153.
Ward JD, Doherty MF, MELLICHAMP DA.  2006.  Choosing an operating policy for seeded batch crystallization. AICHE JOURNAL. 52:2046-2054.
To TLeung, Doyle, III FJ, Gunawan R, Mirsky H, Bagheri N.  2006.  Circadian rhythm: A natural, robust, multi-scale control system. COMPUTERS & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. 30:1700-1711.
Madhow U., Chandrasekaran S., Solanki K., Manjunath B.S, Sullivan K..  2006.  Determining achievable rates for secure, zero divergence, steganography. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP. :121-+.
Madhow U., Chandrasekaran S., Solanki K., Manjunath B.S, Sullivan K..  2006.  Determining achievable rates for secure, zero divergence, steganography. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP. :121-+.
Bullo F, Susca S, Martinez S.  2006.  Distributed algorithms for polygonal approximation of convex contours. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :6512-+.
Mezic I.  2006.  On the dynamics of molecular conformation. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 103:7542-7547.
Teel AR, Jankovic M, Magner S, Popovic D.  2006.  Extremum seeking methods for optimization of variable cam timing engine operation. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY. 14:398-407.
