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Cortes J, Bullo F, Martinez S.  2007.  Motion coordination with distribution information. IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS MAGAZINE. 27:75-88.
Munsky B, Khammash M.  2007.  A multiple time interval finite state projection algorithm for the solution to the chemical master equation. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS. 226:818-835.
Teel AR, Tuna SE, Grimm G, Messina MJ.  2007.  Nominally robust model predictive control with state constraints. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 52:1856-1870.
Mezic I, Petzold L, Mathew G, Grivopoulos S, Vaidya U.  2007.  Optimal control of mixing in Stokes fluid flows. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS. 580:261-281.
Mezic I, Petzold L, Mathew G, Grivopoulos S, Vaidya U.  2007.  Optimal control of mixing in Stokes fluid flows. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS. 580:261-281.
Bertelli L, Zuliani M, Manjunath B.S.  2007.  Pairwise similarities across images for multiple view Rigid/Non-Rigid segmentation and registration. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. :1096-1103.
Turner K.L, Butterfield H.E, Moehlis J., DeMartini B.E.  2007.  Prediction and validation of chaotic behavior in an electrostatically actuated microelectromechanical oscillator.
Boucheron LE, Harvey NR, Manjunath B.S.  2007.  A quantitative object-level metric for segmentation performance and its application to cell nuclei. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 4841:208-+.
Ghosh P, Vu N, Manjunath B.S.  2007.  Retina layer segmentation and spatial alignment of antibody expression levels. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP. :985-988.
Teel AR, Mayhew CG, Sanfelice RG.  2007.  Robust source-seeking hybrid controllers for autonomous vehicles. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :5276-5281.
Hespanha JP, Margaliot M.  2007.  Root-mean-square gains of switched linear systems: A variational approach. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :386-391.
Chen H, Min C, Gibou F.  2007.  A second order accurate finite difference scheme for the heat equation on irregular domains and adaptive grids. MATERIALS RESEARCH SOCIETY SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS. 910:123-128.
Min C, Gibou F.  2007.  A second order accurate level set method on non-graded adaptive Cartesian grids. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS. 225:300-321.
Madhow U., Sarkar A., Chandrasekaran S., Manjunath B.S, Solanki K..  2007.  Secure steganography: Statistical restoration of the second order dependencies for improved security. International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. :277-+.
Madhow U., Sarkar A., Chandrasekaran S., Manjunath B.S, Solanki K..  2007.  Secure steganography: Statistical restoration of the second order dependencies for improved security. International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. :277-+.
Belding-Royer EM, Acharya PAravinda K, Madhow U, Singh S.  2007.  Sticky CSMA/CA: Implicit synchronization and real-time QoS in mesh networks. AD HOC NETWORKS. 5:744-768.
Munsky B, Khammash M, Peles S.  2007.  Stochastic analysis of gene regulatory networks using finite state projections and singular perturbation. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :5634-5639.
Putinar M, McCullough S, J. Helton W.  2007.  Strong majorization in a free *-algebra. MATHEMATISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT. 255:579-596.
Chen H, Min C, Gibou F.  2007.  A supra-convergent finite difference scheme for the poisson and heat equations on irregular domains and non-graded adaptive cartesian grids. JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING. 31:19-60.
Bullo F, Susca S, Martinez S.  2007.  Synchronization of beads on a ring. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :6208-+.
Bullo F, Cortes J, Frazzoli E, Martinez S.  2007.  On synchronous robotic networks - Part I: Models, tasks, and complexity. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 52:2199-2213.
Bullo F, Cortes J, Frazzoli E, Martinez S.  2007.  On synchronous robotic networks - Part II: Time complexity of rendezvous and deployment algorithms. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 52:2214-2226.
Iglesias PA, Munsky B, Khammash M, Sontag ED, Del Vecchio D.  2007.  Systems biology and control - A tutorial. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :6436-+.
Agrawal D, Bandi N, Abbadi AEl, Metwally A.  2007.  TCAM-conscious algorithms for data streams. IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering. :1317-+.
Altinok A., Sargin M.E, Rose K., Manjunath B.S.  2007.  Tracing curvilinear structures in live cell images. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP. :3081-3084.
