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Averaging in singularly perturbed hybrid systems with hybrid boundary layer systems. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :6855-6860.
2012. Bio-inspired Hybrid Control of Pulse-Coupled Oscillators and Application to Synchronization of a Wireless Network. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :2818-2823.
2012. A distributed simplex algorithm for degenerate linear programs and multi-agent assignments. AUTOMATICA. 48:2298-2304.
2012. Energy-Efficient Pulse-Coupled Synchronization Strategy Design for Wireless Sensor Networks Through Reduced Idle Listening. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. 60:5293-5306.
2012. Identification of Small Molecule Activators of Cryptochrome. SCIENCE. 337:1094-1097.
2012. Input-to-state stability for a class of hybrid dynamical systems via averaging. MATHEMATICS OF CONTROL SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS. 23:223-256.
2012. A methodology for meta-model based optimization in building energy models. ENERGY AND BUILDINGS. 47:292-301.
2012. Minimum Energy Spike Randomization for Neurons. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :4751-4756.
2012. Redundant data transmission in control/estimation over lossy networks. AUTOMATICA. 48:1612-1620.
2012. Small-gain theorems of LaSalle type for hybrid systems. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :6825-6830.
2012. A Spectral Methods-Based Solution of the Chemical Master Equation for Gene Regulatory Networks. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :5354-5360.
2012. Time optimal control of spiking neurons. JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY. 64:981-1004.
2012. Analytical and numerical Lyapunov functions for SISO linear control systems with first-order reset elements. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL. 21:1134-1158.
2011. Controlling spike timing and synchrony in oscillatory neurons. JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY. 105:2074-2082.
2011. Distributed Abstract Optimization via Constraints Consensus: Theory and Applications. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 56:2247-2261.
2011. A Distributed Simplex Algorithm and the Multi-Agent Assignment Problem. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :2639-2644.
2011. Experimental study of the separation behavior of nanoparticles in micro- and nanochannels. MICROFLUIDICS AND NANOFLUIDICS. 10:69-80.
2011. .
2011. Implementation Considerations For Wireless Networked Control Systems. WIRELESS NETWORKING BASED CONTROL. :1-27.
2011. Integrate-and-fire models of insolation-driven entrainment of broadcast spawning in corals. THEORETICAL ECOLOGY. 4:69-85.
2011. Lyapunov functions for L-2 and input-to-state stability in a class of quantized control systems. :4542-4547.
2011. .
2011. OPTIMAL DISEASE OUTBREAK DECISIONS USING STOCHASTIC SIMULATION. Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings. :3844-3853.
2011. Path Following for Nonlinear Systems With Unstable Zero Dynamics: An Averaging Solution. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 56:880-886.
2011. Single input optimal control for globally coupled neuron networks. JOURNAL OF NEURAL ENGINEERING. 8