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Direct Solution of the Chemical Master Equation Using Quantized Tensor Trains. PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY. 10
2014. Distributed Reception with Hard Decision Exchanges. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. 13:3406-3418.
2014. Gronwall inequality for hybrid systems. AUTOMATICA. 50:2718-2722.
2014. Gronwall inequality for hybrid systems. AUTOMATICA. 50:2718-2722.
2014. Lyapunov-Based Small-Gain Theorems for Hybrid Systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 59:1395-1410.
2014. Mobility induced network evolution speeds up synchronization of wireless sensor networks. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :3553-3558.
2014. Multicenter Closed-Loop Insulin Delivery Study Points to Challenges for Keeping Blood Glucose in a Safe Range by a Control Algorithm in Adults and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes from Various Sites. DIABETES TECHNOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS. 16:613-622.
2014. Multicenter Closed-Loop/Hybrid Meal Bolus Insulin Delivery with Type 1 Diabetes. DIABETES TECHNOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS. 16:623-632.
2014. .
2014. Clinical Evaluation of a Personalized Artificial Pancreas. DIABETES CARE. 36:801-809.
2013. Direct Numerical Solution of Algebraic Lyapunov Equations For Large-Scale Systems Using Quantized Tensor Trains. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :1950-1957.
2013. Finite-gain L-p stability for hybrid dynamical systems. AUTOMATICA. 49:2384-2396.
2013. Graph-Based Topic-Focused Retrieval in Distributed Camera Network. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA. 15:2046-2057.
2013. Increasing Sync Rate of Pulse-Coupled Oscillators via Phase Response Function Design: Theory and Application to Wireless Networks. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY. 21:1455-1462.
2013. MD-HBase: design and implementation of an elastic data infrastructure for cloud-scale location services. DISTRIBUTED AND PARALLEL DATABASES. 31:289-319.
2013. Minimum energy control for in vitro neurons. JOURNAL OF NEURAL ENGINEERING. 10
2013. Minimum energy control for in vitro neurons. JOURNAL OF NEURAL ENGINEERING. 10
2013. Minimum energy desynchronizing control for coupled neurons. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE. 34:259-271.
2013. Outage Probability Analysis of Distributed Reception with Hard Decision Exchanges. Conference Record of the Asilomar Conference on Signals Systems and Computers. :597-601.
2013. Stability analysis of nonlinear networked control systems with asynchronous communication: A small-gain approach. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :4631-4637.
2013. Statistical Analysis of the Pulse-Coupled Synchronization Strategy for Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. 61:5193-5204.
2013. Systematic Identification of Signal-Activated Stochastic Gene Regulation. SCIENCE. 339:584-587.
2013. Accelerated maximum likelihood parameter estimation for stochastic biochemical systems. BMC BIOINFORMATICS. 13
2012. Analysis for a class of singularly perturbed hybrid systems via averaging. AUTOMATICA. 48:1057-1068.