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High surface area of porous silicon drives desorption of intact molecules. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR MASS SPECTROMETRY. 18:1945-1949.
2007. A level set based sharp interface method for the multiphase incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with phase change. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS. 222:536-555.
2007. A Lyapunov proof of an improved maximum allowable transfer interval for networked control systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 52:892-897.
2007. Network abstract linear programming with application to minimum-time formation control. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :4245-+.
2007. Path-following for nonlinear systems with unstable zero dynamics. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 52:481-487.
2007. Set-point stabilization of SISO linear systems using First Order Reset Elements. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :2210-+.
2007. Stability of delay impulsive systems with application to networked control systems. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :4268-4273.
2007. Stability of wireless and wireline networked control systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 52:1615-1630.
2007. A survey of recent results in networked control systems. PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE. 95:138-162.
2007. Thermal analysis of the PediaFlow Pediatric Ventricular Assist Device. ASAIO JOURNAL. 53:65-73.
2007. Tracking control for Networked Control Systems. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :5505-+.
2007. Anticipative and non-anticipative controller design for network control systems. NETWORKED EMBEDDED SENSING AND CONTROL. 331:203-218.
2006. Batch fabrication and characterization of nanostructures for enhanced adhesion. CURRENT APPLIED PHYSICS. 6:379-383.
2006. Designing transparent stabilizing haptic controllers. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 1-12:2475-+.
2006. Distributed consensus on enclosing shapes and minimum time rendezvous. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :4296-+.
2006. Explicit Lyapunov functions for stability and performance characterizations of FOREs connected to an integrator. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :771-+.
2006. Fluidic operational amplifier for mock circulatory systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY. 14:602-612.
2006. Maintaining limited-range connectivity among second-order agents. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 1-12:2124-+.
2006. Meso-scale adhesion testing of integrated micro- and nano-scale structures. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL. 130:583-587.
2006. .
2006. On the robust stability and stabilization of sampled-data systems: A hybrid system approach. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :4873-4878.
2006. On stability of sets for sampled-data nonlinear inclusions via their approximate discrete-time models. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :4253-+.
2006. Stabilization of sampled-data nonlinear systems via backstepping on their Euler approximate model. AUTOMATICA. 42:1801-1808.
2006. Summability criteria for stability of sets for sampled-data nonlinear inclusions. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :4265-+.
2006. Support-graph preconditioners. SIAM JOURNAL ON MATRIX ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS. 27:930-951.