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Online control strategies for highly coupled cooperative UAVs. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :5921-5926.
2007. Optimal control of mixing in Stokes fluid flows. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS. 580:261-281.
2007. Poincare's variational problem in potential theory. ARCHIVE FOR RATIONAL MECHANICS AND ANALYSIS. 185:143-184.
2007. Positive polynomials on fibre products. COMPTES RENDUS MATHEMATIQUE. 344:681-684.
2007. Prandial insulin dosing using run-to-run control - Application of clinical data and medical expertise to define a suitable performance metric. DIABETES CARE. 30:1131-1136.
2007. A run-to-run framework for prandial insulin dosing: handling real-life uncertainty. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL. 17:1194-1213.
2007. Selected topics on quadrature domains. PHYSICA D-NONLINEAR PHENOMENA. 235:90-100.
2007. Simultaneous high gain and wide dynamic range in a model of bacterial chemotaxis. IET SYSTEMS BIOLOGY. 1:222-229.
2007. Stochastic analysis of gene regulatory networks using finite state projections and singular perturbation. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :5634-5639.
2007. A stochastic immersed boundary method for fluid-structure dynamics at microscopic length scales. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS. 224:1255-1292.
2007. Strong majorization in a free *-algebra. MATHEMATISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT. 255:579-596.
2007. Switched seesaw control for the stabilization of underactuated vehicles. AUTOMATICA. 43:1997-2008.
2007. Thermal analysis of the PediaFlow Pediatric Ventricular Assist Device. ASAIO JOURNAL. 53:65-73.
2007. Thermal analysis of the PediaFlow Pediatric Ventricular Assist Device. ASAIO JOURNAL. 53:65-73.
2007. Tracking control for snake robot joints. :3545-+.
2007. Tracking control for snake robot joints. :3545-+.
2007. Algorithms and software for stochastic simulation of biochemical reacting systems. BIOTECHNOLOGY PROGRESS. 24:56-61.
2008. Bergman orthogonal polynomials on an archipelago. COMPTES RENDUS MATHEMATIQUE. 346:499-502.
2008. Coordination of kinesin motors pulling on fluid membranes. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL. 94:5009-5017.
2008. .
2008. Distributed Consensus with Link Failures as a Structured Stochastic Uncertainty Problem. Annual Allerton Conference on Communication Control and Computing. :623-+.
2008. Distributed Policies for Equitable Partitioning: Theory and Applications. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :4191-4197.
2008. .
2008. Effect of Topological Dimension on Rigidity of Vehicle Formations: Fundamental Limitations of Local Feedback. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :369-374.
2008. .