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Doyle, III FJ, Pinsker JE, Dassau E, Seborg DE, Gondhalekar R, Bradley PK, Huyett L, Lee JBok, Bevier WC, Zisser HC.  2016.  Randomized Crossover Comparison of Personalized MPC and PID Control Algorithms for the Artificial Pancreas. DIABETES CARE. 39:1135-1142.
Petzold L, Hellander S.  2016.  Reaction rates for a generalized reaction-diffusion master equation. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 93
Plaumann D, Putinar M.  2016.  A relative Grace Theorem for complex polynomials. MATHEMATICAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. 161:17-30.
Plaumann D, Putinar M.  2016.  A relative Grace Theorem for complex polynomials. MATHEMATICAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. 161:17-30.
Brueggemann S, Possieri C, Teel AR, Poveda JI.  2016.  Robust Constrained Model Predictive Control with Persistent Model Adaptation. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :2364-2369.
Brueggemann S, Possieri C, Teel AR, Poveda JI.  2016.  Robust Constrained Model Predictive Control with Persistent Model Adaptation. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :2364-2369.
Astolfi D, Marconi L, Praly L, Teel A.  2016.  Sensitivity to High-Frequency Measurement Noise of Nonlinear High-Gain Observers. 49:862-866.
Teel AR, Moe S, Pettersen KY, Schrimpf J, Antonelli G.  2016.  Set-Based Tasks within the Singularity-Robust Multiple Task-Priority Inverse Kinematics Framework: General Formulation, Stability Analysis, and Experimental Results. FRONTIERS IN ROBOTICS AND AI. 3
Krintz C, Drawert B, Bellesia G, Nath D, Gupta A, Horuk C, Daigle, Jr. BJ, Hellander S, Douglas G, Petzold LR et al..  2016.  Stochastic Simulation Service: Bridging the Gap between the Computational Expert and the Biologist. PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY. 12
Byl K, Paris V, Strizic T, Pusey J.  2016.  Tools for the Design of Stable yet Nonsteady Bounding Control. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :4822-4828.
Byl K, Paris V, Strizic T, Pusey J.  2016.  Tools for the Design of Stable yet Nonsteady Bounding Control. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :4822-4828.
Piovan G, Terry P, Byl K.  2016.  Towards Precise Control of Hoppers: Using High Order Partial Feedback Linearization to Control the Hopping Robot FRANK. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :6669-6675.
Tanguy S, Popescu ERoxana, Lepilliez M, Gibou F.  2016.  On two-phase flow solvers in irregular domains with contact line. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS. 321:1217-1251.
Maahs D.M, Patek S., Mauritzen E., Howsmon D., Buckingham B.A, Huyett L., Dassau E., Forlenza G., Wadwa R.P, Ly T.T et al..  2016.  WEAK POINTS IN CLOSED-LOOP TECHNOLOGY: FAULT DETECTION AND MITIGATION. 18:A10-A11.
Teel AR, Possieri C.  2016.  Weak Reachability and Strong Recurrence for Stochastic Directed Graphs in terms of Auxiliary Functions. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :3714-3719.
Petzold L, Bhattacharjee K.  2016.  What Drives Consumer Choices? Mining Aspects and Opinions on Large Scale Review Data using Distributed Representation of Words International Conference on Data Mining Workshops. :908-915.
Doyle, III FJ, B. Bequette W, Forlenza GP, Ly TT, Howsmon DP, Pinsker JE, Mauritzen E, Cameron F, Dassau E, Deshpande S et al..  2017.  Application of Zone Model Predictive Control Artificial Pancreas During Extended Use of Infusion Set and Sensor: A Randomized Crossover-Controlled Home-Use Trial. DIABETES CARE. 40:1096-1102.
Peters JR, Surana A, Bullo F, Wang SJ.  2017.  Cloud-Supported Coverage Control for Persistent Surveillance Missions. JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME. 139
Liang X, A. Hart J, Purohit PK, Gianola DS, Turner K, Jiang Y, Magagnosc D, Park SJin, Shin J.  2017.  Compression and recovery of carbon nanotube forests described as a phase transition. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES. 122:196-209.
Liang X, A. Hart J, Purohit PK, Gianola DS, Turner K, Jiang Y, Magagnosc D, Park SJin, Shin J.  2017.  Compression and recovery of carbon nanotube forests described as a phase transition. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES. 122:196-209.
Hespanha JP, Liberzon D, Pearson J.  2017.  Control With Minimal Cost-Per-Symbol Encoding and Quasi-Optimality of Event-Based Encoders. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 62:2286-2301.
Perfekt K-M, Putinar M.  2017.  The Essential Spectrum of the Neumann-Poincare Operator on a Domain with Corners. ARCHIVE FOR RATIONAL MECHANICS AND ANALYSIS. 223:1019-1033.
Perfekt K-M, Putinar M.  2017.  The Essential Spectrum of the Neumann-Poincare Operator on a Domain with Corners. ARCHIVE FOR RATIONAL MECHANICS AND ANALYSIS. 223:1019-1033.
Chernavvsky D, Ly TT, Calore R, Kollman C, Kovatchev B, Doyle, III FJ, Del Favero S, Bruttomesso D, Bradley PK, Bevier WC et al..  2017.  Feasibility of Long-Term Closed-Loop Control: A Multicenter 6-Month Trial of 24/7 Automated Insulin Delivery. DIABETES TECHNOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS. 19:18-+.
Teel AR, Poveda JI.  2017.  A framework for a class of hybrid extremum seeking controllers with dynamic inclusions. AUTOMATICA. 76:113-126.
