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Nonlinear repetitive control. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 45:949-954.
2000. A note on the problem of semiglobal practical stabilization of uncertain nonlinear systems via dynamic output feedback. SYSTEMS & CONTROL LETTERS. 39:165-171.
2000. A numerical study of transient ignition in a counterflow nonpremixed methane-air flame using adaptive time integration. COMBUSTION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 158:341-363.
2000. Optimal control for halo orbit missions. IFAC WORKSHOP SERIES. :1-6.
2000. Probabilistic pursuit-evasion games: A one-step Nash approach. IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL - PROCEEDINGS. :2272-2277.
2000. Pseudo-inverse based iterative learning control for plants with unmodelled dynamics.. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE. :472-476.
2000. Reconstructing planar domains from their moments. INVERSE PROBLEMS. 16:1053-1070.
2000. Sensitivity analysis of differential-algebraic equations: A comparison of methods on a special problem. APPLIED NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS. 32:161-174.
2000. A smooth Lyapunov function from a class-KL estimate involving two positive semidefinite functions. ESAIM-CONTROL OPTIMISATION AND CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS. 5:313-367.
2000. Software and algorithms for sensitivity analysis of large-scale differential algebraic systems. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS. 125:131-145.
2000. Space-efficient data cubes for dynamic environments. DATA WAREHOUSING AND KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY, PROCEEDINGS. 1874:24-33.
2000. An SQP method for the optimal control of large-scale dynamical systems. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS. 120:197-213.
2000. Backstepping design with local optimality matching. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 46:1014-1027.
2001. Constraint partitioning for stability in path-constrained dynamic optimization problems. SIAM JOURNAL ON SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING. 22:2051-2074.
2001. Constraint partitioning for structure in path-constrained dynamic optimization problems. APPLIED NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS. 39:105-126.
2001. COOPT - a software package for optimal control of large-scale differential-algebraic equation systems. MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTERS IN SIMULATION. 56:187-203.
2001. Experimental results in optimal linear anti-windup compensation. IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL - PROCEEDINGS. :2657-2662.
2001. The Friedrichs operator of a planar domain. II. OPERATOR THEORY : ADVANCES AND APPLICATIONS. 127:519-551.
2001. Graduate education in computational science and engineering. SIAM REVIEW. 43:163-177.
2001. Iterative learning control for nonlinear nonminimum phase plants. JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME. 123:21-30.
2001. Linear matrix inequalities for full and reduced order anti-windup synthesis. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :4134-4139.
2001. Linear parametrically varying systems with brief instabilities: An application to integrated Vision/IMU navigation. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :2361-2371.
2001. MEMS resonators that are robust to process-induced feature width variations. PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE INTERNATIONAL FREQUENCY CONTROL SYMPOSIUM. :556-563.
2001. Nash equilibria in partial-information games on Markov chains. IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL - PROCEEDINGS. :2102-2107.
2001. Operator dilations with prescribed commutators. OPERATOR THEORY : ADVANCES AND APPLICATIONS. 123:453-460.