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Putinar M, Lasserre JB, J. Helton W.  2008.  Measures with zeros in the inverse of their moment matrix. ANNALS OF PROBABILITY. 36:1453-1471.
Mertens K., Putkaradze V., Vorobieff P., Birnir B..  2008.  Morphology of a stream flowing down an inclined plane. Part 2. Meandering. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS. 607:401-411.
Dokucu MT, Park M-J, Doyle, III FJ.  2008.  Mufti-rate model predictive control of particle size distribution in a semibatch emulsion copolymerization reactor. JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL. 18:105-120.
Schmuedgen K, Putinar M.  2008.  Multivariate Determinateness. INDIANA UNIVERSITY MATHEMATICS JOURNAL. 57:2931-2968.
Doyle, III FJ, Petzold LR, Taylor SR.  2008.  Oscillator model reduction preserving the phase response: Application to the circadian clock. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL. 95:1658-1673.
Mau TM, Noh MD, Snyder S, Webber S, Paden D, Kameneva MV, Borovetz HS, Verkaik J, Ricci M, Paden BE et al..  2008.  THE PEDIAFLOW PEDIATRIC VENTRICULAR ASSIST DEVICE. :53-54.
Mau TM, Noh MD, Snyder S, Webber S, Paden D, Kameneva MV, Borovetz HS, Verkaik J, Ricci M, Paden BE et al..  2008.  THE PEDIAFLOW PEDIATRIC VENTRICULAR ASSIST DEVICE. :53-54.
Dokucu MT, Park M-J, Doyle, III FJ.  2008.  Reduced-order methodologies for feedback control of particle size distribution in semi-batch emulsion copolymerization. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE. 63:1230-1245.
Zisser H, Doyle, III FIs J, Palerm CC, Jovanovic L.  2008.  A run-to-run control strategy to adjust basal insulin infusion rates in type 1 diabetes. JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL. 18:258-265.
Gunawan R, Petzold LR, Doyle, III FJ, Taylor SR.  2008.  Sensitivity measures for oscillating systems: Application to mammalian circadian gene network. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 53:177-188.
Petzold L, Cao Y.  2008.  Slow-scale tau-leaping method. COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING. 197:3472-3479.
Petzold L, Simeon B, Zheng Z.  2008.  A stabilized explicit Lagrange multiplier based domain decomposition method for parabolic problems. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS. 227:5272-5285.
Meeker K, Doyle, III FJ, Petzold LR, Taylor SR, Bagheri N.  2008.  Synchrony and entrainment properties of robust circadian oscillators. JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY INTERFACE. 5:S17-S28.
Litster JD, Doyle, III FJ, Immanuel CD, Poon JM-H.  2008.  A three-dimensional population balance model of granulation with a mechanistic representation of the nucleation and aggregation phenomena. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE. 63:1315-1329.
Zhang Y.T, Rao M.P, Mezic I., Bottausci F., MacDonald N.C, Parker E.R.  2008.  Titanium-based dielectrophoresis devices for microfluidic applications. BIOMEDICAL MICRODEVICES. 10:509-517.
Petzold L, Robinson ASkaja, Doyle, III FJ, Raden D, Hildebrandt S.  2008.  A top-down approach to mechanistic biological modeling: Application to the single-chain antibody folding pathway. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL. 95:3535-3558.
Doyle, III FJ, Pinto MA, Immanuel CD.  2008.  A two-level discretisation algorithm for the efficient solution of higher-dimensional population balance models. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE. 63:1304-1314.
Prieur C, Teel AR.  2008.  Uniting a high performance, local controller with a global controller: the output feedback case for linear systems with input saturation. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :2903-+.
Garcia SRamon, Putinar M, Danciger J.  2008.  Variational principles for symmetric bilinear forms. MATHEMATISCHE NACHRICHTEN. 281:786-802.
Bullo F, Morbidi F, Prattichizzo D.  2008.  On visibility maintenance via controlled invariance for leader-follower Dubins-like vehicles. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :1821-1826.
Cao Y, Petzold LR, Gillespie DT.  2007.  Adaptive explicit-implicit tau-leaping method with automatic tau selection. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 126
Gustafsson B, Putinar M.  2007.  Analytic continuation of the exponential transform from convex cavities. JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS. 328:995-1006.
Parker E.R, Turner K.L, MacDonald N.C, Meinhart C.D, Rao M.P.  2007.  Bulk micromachined titanium microneedles. JOURNAL OF MICROELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS. 16:289-295.
Doyle, III FJ, Zisser H, Wollitzer AOkada, Seborg DE, Palerm CC, Jovanovic L, Bevier WC, Finan DA.  2007.  Calculatin the insulin to carbohydrate ratio using the hyperinsulinaemic-euglycaemic clamp - a novel use for a proven technique. DIABETES-METABOLISM RESEARCH AND REVIEWS. 23:472-478.
Garcia SRamon, Putinar M.  2007.  Complex symmetric operators and applications II. TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. 359:3913-3931.
