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Analysis of a circulant based preconditioner for a class of lower rank extracted systems. NUMERICAL LINEAR ALGEBRA WITH APPLICATIONS. 12:9-32.
2005. Avoiding negative populations in explicit Poisson tau-leaping. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 123
2005. Consistency and stability of tau-leaping schemes for chemical reaction systems. MULTISCALE MODELING & SIMULATION. 4:867-895.
2005. Control of particles in microelectrode devices. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 95
2005. Design optimization of blood shearing instrument by computational fluid dynamics. ARTIFICIAL ORGANS. 29:482-489.
2005. Efficient solution and sensitivity analysis of partial differential-algebraic equation systems - Application to corrosion pit initiation. JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY. 152:B277-B285.
2005. Elimination of adverse leakage flow in a miniature pediatric centrifugal blood pump by computational fluid dynamics-based design optimization. ASAIO JOURNAL. 51:636-643.
2005. Error estimation for reduced-order models of dynamical systems. SIAM JOURNAL ON NUMERICAL ANALYSIS. 43:1693-1714.
2005. Estimating radar positions using cooperative unmanned air vehicle teams. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE. :3512-3517.
2005. In vitro evaluation of multiobjective hemodynamic control of a heart-assist pump. ASAIO JOURNAL. 51:329-335.
2005. Maglev apparatus for power minimization and control of artificial hearts. IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL - PROCEEDINGS. :5564-5569.
2005. Modeling and sensitivity analysis of particle size distribution and chain length distribution in a semibatch emulsion copolymerization reactor. MACROMOLECULAR THEORY AND SIMULATIONS. 14:474-490.
2005. A multiscale measure for mixing. PHYSICA D-NONLINEAR PHENOMENA. 211:23-46.
2005. Multiscale stochastic simulation algorithm with stochastic partial equilibrium assumption for chemically reacting systems. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS. 206:395-411.
2005. A nested Matrosov theorem and persistency of excitation for uniform convergence in stable nonautonomous systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 50:183-198.
2005. A nested Matrosov theorem and persistency of excitation for uniform convergence in stable nonautonomous systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 50:183-198.
2005. Noncommutative sums of squares. PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS. 218:167-171.
2005. Non-negative hereditary polynomials in a free *-algebra. MATHEMATISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT. 250:515-522.
2005. Positivity aspects of the Fantappie transform. JOURNAL D ANALYSE MATHEMATIQUE. 97:57-82.
2005. Sensitivity analysis of discrete stochastic systems. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL. 88:2530-2540.
2005. Sensors, actuators, and computer interfacing laboratory course at the University of California at Santa Barbara. MECHATRONICS. 15:639-650.
2005. Simulation of fluid slip at 3D hydrophobic microchannel walls by the lattice Boltzmann method. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS. 202:181-195.
2005. A skew normal dilation on the numerical range of an operator. MATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN. 331:345-357.
2005. The slow-scale stochastic simulation algorithm. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 122
2005. Some fast algorithms for sequentially semiseparable representations. SIAM JOURNAL ON MATRIX ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS. 27:341-364.