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A First-Passage Kinetic Monte Carlo method for reaction drift diffusion processes. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS. 259:536-567.
2014. Frequency division using a micromechanical resonance cascade. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 105
2014. Frequency division using a micromechanical resonance cascade. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 105
2014. Frequency division using a micromechanical resonance cascade. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 105
2014. GPS-Optimal Micro Air Vehicle Navigation in Degraded Environments. Proceedings of the American Control Conference.
2014. .
2014. Knapsack problems with sigmoid utilities: Approximation algorithms via hybrid optimization. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH. 236:488-498.
2014. A Krasovskii-LaSalle function based recurrence principle for a class of stochastic hybrid systems. :2310-2315.
2014. .
2014. .
2014. Metastable Markov Chains. :2979-2985.
2014. More Solutions Means More Problems: Resolving Kinematic Redundancy in Robot Locomotion on Complex Terrain. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. :4861-4867.
2014. Multicenter Closed-Loop Insulin Delivery Study Points to Challenges for Keeping Blood Glucose in a Safe Range by a Control Algorithm in Adults and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes from Various Sites. DIABETES TECHNOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS. 16:613-622.
2014. Noise Squeezing Controlled Parametric Bifurcation Tracking of MIP-Coated Microbeam MEMS Sensor for TNT Explosive Gas Sensing. JOURNAL OF MICROELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS. 23:1228-1236.
2014. .
2014. Nonlinear Koopman Modes and Power System Stability Assessment Without Models. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS. 29:899-907.
2014. Online Prediction of Subcutaneous Glucose Concentration for Type 1 Diabetes Using Empirical Models and Frequency-Band Separation. AICHE JOURNAL. 60:574-584.
2014. Output regulation for non-square linear multi-rate systems. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL. 24:968-990.
2014. Overexpression of Heat Shock Protein 72 Attenuates NF-kappa B Activation Using a Combination of Regulatory Mechanisms in Microglia. PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY. 10
2014. Overexpression of Heat Shock Protein 72 Attenuates NF-kappa B Activation Using a Combination of Regulatory Mechanisms in Microglia. PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY. 10
2014. .
2014. Polar Subspaces and Automatic Maximality. SET-VALUED AND VARIATIONAL ANALYSIS. 22:259-270.
2014. Preserving Location Privacy in Geosocial Applications. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING. 13:159-173.
2014. Quadratic control of stochastic hybrid systems with renewal transitions. AUTOMATICA. 50:2822-2834.
2014. Quantifying cell-generated mechanical forces within living embryonic tissues. NATURE METHODS. 11:183-+.