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Oscillator model reduction preserving the phase response: Application to the circadian clock. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL. 95:1658-1673.
2008. .
2008. Relaxation Results for Hybrid Inclusions. SET-VALUED ANALYSIS. 16:733-757.
2008. On robust, global stabilization of the attitude of an underactuated rigid body using hybrid feedback. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :2909-+.
2008. Robust hybrid source-seeking algorithms based on directional derivatives and their approximations. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :1735-1740.
2008. Robust source-seeking hybrid controllers for nonholonomic vehicles. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :2722-+.
2008. Sensitivity measures for oscillating systems: Application to mammalian circadian gene network. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 53:177-188.
2008. A single input-single output coupled microresonator array for the detection and identification of multiple analytes. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 93
2008. Smooth Lyapunov functions for hybrid systems part II: (Pre)asymptotically stable compact sets. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 53:734-748.
2008. Spatial Multiplexing Over a Line-of-Sight Millimeter-Wave MIMO Link: A Two-Channel Hardware Demonstration at 1.2Gbps Over 41m Range. European Wireless Technology Conference. :198-201.
2008. Stability properties of reset systems. AUTOMATICA. 44:2019-2026.
2008. Synchrony and entrainment properties of robust circadian oscillators. JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY INTERFACE. 5:S17-S28.
2008. Trends in Nonlinear Control. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :1870-1882.
2008. Uniting a high performance, local controller with a global controller: the output feedback case for linear systems with input saturation. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :2903-+.
2008. Zeno behavior in homogeneous hybrid systems. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :2758-2763.
2008. Analysis of oscillation and stability for systems with piecewise linear components via saturation functions. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :1911-+.
2009. Analysis of oscillation and stability for systems with piecewise linear components via saturation functions. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :1911-+.
2009. Asymptotic Stability in Hybrid Systems via Nested Matrosov Functions. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 54:1569-1574.
2009. Automatic Control in Systems Biology. SPRINGER HANDBOOK OF AUTOMATION. :1335-1360.
2009. Characterizations of input-to-state stability for hybrid systems. SYSTEMS & CONTROL LETTERS. 58:47-53.
2009. Control Design for Force Balance Sensors. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :4208-+.
2009. Controlling the selection stringency of phage display using a microfluidic device. LAB ON A CHIP. 9:1033-1036.
2009. Coupled oscillator models with no scale separation. PHYSICA D-NONLINEAR PHENOMENA. 238:490-501.
2009. Digital control of tunneling accelerometer. :1824-1827.