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Nonlinear observer design via passivation of error dynamics. AUTOMATICA. 39:885-892.
2003. .
2003. Period-doubling and Hopf bifurcations in far-infrared driven quantum well intersubband transitions. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 68
2003. .
2003. Tuning the dynamic behavior of parametric resonance in a micromechanical oscillator. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 82:130-132.
2003. Understanding mechanical domain parametric resonance in microcantilevers. PROCEEDINGS: IEEE MICRO ELECTRO MECHANICAL SYSTEMS WORKSHOP. :169-172.
2003. A unified framework for input-to-state stability in systems with two time scales. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 48:1526-1544.
2003. .
2003. A common framework for anti-windup, bumpless transfer and reliable designs. AUTOMATICA. 38:1735-1744.
2002. Further results on the nonlinear separation principle: The general 'asymptotically controllable' case. IFAC SYMPOSIA SERIES. :1457-1462.
2002. Input-to-state stability for a class of Lurie systems. AUTOMATICA. 38:1945-1949.
2002. Integral characterizations of set UGAS of differential inclusions and applications. IFAC SYMPOSIA SERIES. :1025-1030.
2002. Integral characterizations of uniform asymptotic and exponential stability with applications. MATHEMATICS OF CONTROL SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS. 15:177-201.
2002. MEMS resonators that are robust to process-induced feature width variations. JOURNAL OF MICROELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS. 11:505-511.
2002. Nonlinear dynamics in far-infrared driven quantum-well intersubband transitions. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 66
2002. Nonlinear terahertz properties of n-type quantum-well heterostructures. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS. 8:464-473.
2002. Open- and closed-loop dissipation inequalities under sampling and controller emulation. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CONTROL. 8:109-125.
2002. Results on linear LMI-based external anti-windup design. IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL - PROCEEDINGS. :299-304.
2002. Robust LMI-based linear anti-windup design: optimizing the unconstrained response recovery. IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL - PROCEEDINGS. :293-298.
2002. Robustness of discontinuous feedback via sample and hold control. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 1-6:3512-3517.
2002. Scalable spatial event representation. :A229-A232.
2002. Trading the stability of finite zeros for global stabilization of nonlinear cascade systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 47:521-525.
2002. Approximate nearest neighbor searching in multimedia databases. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DATA ENGINEERING (SERIES). :503-511.
2001. A backstepping approach to control of active suspensions. IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL - PROCEEDINGS. :4170-4175.