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Fast estimation of Bifurcation Conditions using Noisy Response Data. Proceedings of SPIE. 7647
2010. Global Asymptotic Stabilization of the Inverted Equilibrium Manifold of the 3-D Pendulum by Hybrid Feedback. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :679-684.
2010. A Hybrid Algorithm for Finite Time Parameter Estimation. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :2176-2181.
2010. Hybrid Control of Planar Rotations. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :154-159.
2010. Hybrid Control of Spherical Orientation. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :4198-4203.
2010. I n s t a b ilit y a nd ov e r s hoo t s o f s o l u ti on s f o r a c l a ss o f ho m og e n e ou s hyb r i d s y s Instability and overshoots of solutions for a class of homogeneous hybrid systems by lyapunov-like analysis. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :2390-2395.
2010. Networked Control Systems With Communication Constraints: Tradeoffs Between Transmission Intervals, Delays and Performance. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 55:1781-1796.
2010. Nonlinear Dynamics and Its Applications in Micro- and Nanoresonators. JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME. 132
2010. Nonlinear dynamics of MEMS systems. AIP Conference Proceedings. 1339:111-+.
2010. A Note About Hybrid Linear Regulation. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :1540-1545.
2010. Observer-based hybrid feedback: a local separation principle. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :898-903.
2010. Output feedback synthesis for sampled-data system with input saturation. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :1797-1802.
2010. Preasymptotic Stability and Homogeneous Approximations of Hybrid Dynamical Systems. SIAM REVIEW. 52:87-109.
2010. PWM hybrid control systems: averaging tools for analysis and design. IEEE International Conference on Control Applications. :1128-1133.
2010. Robust Global Asymptotic Attitude Synchronization by Hybrid Control. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :3666-3671.
2010. Stability for a class of homogeneous hybrid systems by annular Lyapunov analysis. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :3289-3294.
2010. Stability of delay impulsive systems with application to networked control systems. TRANSACTIONS OF THE INSTITUTE OF MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL. 32:511-528.
2010. Summability characterizations of uniform exponential and asymptotic stability of sets for difference inclusions. JOURNAL OF DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS. 16:173-194.
2010. Systems Analysis for Systems Biology. SYSTEMS BIOMEDICINE: CONCEPTS AND PERSPECTIVES. :249-272.
2010. Tin-Oxide-Nanowire-Based Electronic Nose Using Heterogeneous Catalysis as a Functionalization Strategy. ACS NANO. 4:3117-3122.
2010. A Unified Lyapunov Approach to Analysis of Oscillations and Stability for Systems With Piecewise Linear Elements. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 55:2864-2869.
2010. A Unified Lyapunov Approach to Analysis of Oscillations and Stability for Systems With Piecewise Linear Elements. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 55:2864-2869.
2010. USING PARAMETRIC RESONANCE TO IMPROVE MICRO GYRSOCOPE ROBUSTNESS. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B-Physics and Biophysics. :299-+.
2010. Velocity Response Curves Support the Role of Continuous Entrainment in Circadian Clocks. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL RHYTHMS. 25:138-149.