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Generalized terminal state constraint for model predictive control. AUTOMATICA. 49:2622-2631.
2013. Global stabilization of spherical orientation by synergistic hybrid feedback with application to reduced-attitude tracking for rigid bodies. AUTOMATICA. 49:1945-1957.
2013. The Impact of Insulin Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics on the Closed-loop Artificial Pancreas. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :127-132.
2013. Importance of Loading and Unloading Procedures for Gecko-Inspired Controllable Adhesives. LANGMUIR. 29:10881-10890.
2013. Importance of Loading and Unloading Procedures for Gecko-Inspired Controllable Adhesives. LANGMUIR. 29:10881-10890.
2013. Internal Model Principle for Linear Systems With Periodic State Jumps. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 58:2788-2802.
2013. JKR Theory for the Stick Slip Peeling and Adhesion Hysteresis of Gecko Mimetic Patterned Surfaces with a Smooth Glass Surface. LANGMUIR. 29:15006-15012.
2013. JKR Theory for the Stick Slip Peeling and Adhesion Hysteresis of Gecko Mimetic Patterned Surfaces with a Smooth Glass Surface. LANGMUIR. 29:15006-15012.
2013. Lyapunov-Based Sufficient Conditions for Exponential Stability in Hybrid Systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 58:1591-1596.
2013. A Matrosov Theorem for Adversarial Markov Decision Processes. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 58:2142-2148.
2013. A Matrosov theorem for strong global recurrence. AUTOMATICA. 49:3390-3395.
2013. A microfabricated gecko-inspired controllable and reusable dry adhesive. SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES. 22
2013. A microfabricated gecko-inspired controllable and reusable dry adhesive. SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES. 22
2013. Model-Free Adaptive Switching Control of Time-Varying Plants. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 58:1208-1220.
2013. A Multigrid Method on Non-Graded Adaptive Octree and Quadtree Cartesian Grids. JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING. 55:1-15.
2013. A neuropeptide speeds circadian entrainment by reducing intercellular synchrony. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 110:E4355-E4361.
2013. The non-linear dynamics of electromagnetically actuated microbeam resonators with purely parametric excitations. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NON-LINEAR MECHANICS. 55:79-89.
2013. On Path-Lifting Mechanisms and Unwinding in Quaternion-Based Attitude Control. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 58:1179-1191.
2013. Periodic Event-Triggered Control for Linear Systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 58:847-861.
2013. Results on Non-Linear Hybrid Output Regulation. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :2036-2041.
2013. A second-order sharp numerical method for solving the linear elasticity equations on irregular domains and adaptive grids - Application to shape optimization. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS. 233:430-448.
2013. Stability analysis of nonlinear networked control systems with asynchronous communication: A small-gain approach. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :4631-4637.
2013. A stabilization result with application to bipedal locomotion. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :2030-2035.
2013. A stochastic hybrid algorithm for robust global almost sure synchronization on the circle: all-to-all communication. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :600-605.