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Oliveira-Esquerre KP, Mori M, Bruns RE, SEBORG DE.  2004.  Application of steady-state and dynamic modeling for the prediction of the BOD of an aerated lagoon at a pulp and paper mill - Part II. Nonlinear approaches. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL. 105:61-69.
Bamieh B, Jovanovic MR.  2004.  Architecture induced by distributed backstepping design. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :3774-3779.
Fowler JM, Bamieh B, Jovanovic MR, D'Andrea R.  2004.  On avoiding saturation in the control of vehicular platoons. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :2257-2262.
Gadkar K, Sauter T, Allgower F, Kremling A, Bullinger E, Doyle FJ, Fischer S, Gilles ED.  2004.  A benchmark for methods in reverse engineering and model discrimination: Problem formulation and solutions. GENOME RESEARCH. 14:1773-1785.
Bamieh B, Ranaweera A.  2004.  Calibration of the characteristic frequency of an optical tweezer using a recursive least-squares approach. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE. :1836-1841.
Bamieh B, Turner K, Napoli M.  2004.  A capacitive microcantilever: Modelling, validation, and estimation using current measurements. JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME. 126:319-326.
Mezic I, Vainchtein D.  2004.  Capture into resonance: A method for efficient control. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 93
Campi MC, Hespanha JP, Prandini M.  2004.  Cautious hierarchical switching control of stochastic linear systems. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADAPTIVE CONTROL AND SIGNAL PROCESSING. 18:319-333.
Manjunath BS, Lewis GP, Byun J, Wang L, Fisher SK.  2004.  Challenges in bio-molecular imaging and information discovery: Developing a searchable, distributed retinal image database. 45:U48-U48.
Madhow U, Barriac G.  2004.  Characterizing outage rates for space-time communication over wideband channels. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS. 52:2198-2208.
Madhow U, Jacobsen N.  2004.  Code and constellation optimization for efficient noncoherent communication. CONFERENCE RECORD OF THE ASILOMAR CONFERENCE ON SIGNALS, SYSTEMS AND COMPUTERS. :198-202.
Larimore SI,, Ng EG, Davis TA.  2004.  A column approximate minimum degree ordering algorithm. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON MATHEMATICAL SOFTWARE. 30:353-376.
Hespanha JP, Xu YG.  2004.  Communication logics for networked control systems. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE. :572-577.
Mezic I, Banaszuk A.  2004.  Comparison of systems with complex behavior. PHYSICA D-NONLINEAR PHENOMENA. 197:101-133.
Mezic I, Vaidya U.  2004.  Controllability for a class of area-preserving twist maps. PHYSICA D-NONLINEAR PHENOMENA. 189:234-246.
Mezic I.  2004.  Coupled nonlinear dynamical systems: Asymptotic behavior and uncertainty propagation. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :1778-1783.
Qiu WZ, Khammash M, Vittal V.  2004.  Decentralized power system stabilizer design using linear parameter varying approach. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS. 19:1951-1960.
Yu HL, A Abbadi E, Agrawal D.  2004.  Declustering two-dimensional datasets over MEMS-based storage. ADVANCES IN DATABASE TECHNOLOGY - EDBT 2004, PROCEEDINGS. 2992:495-512.
Bamieh B, Napoli M.  2004.  Design of a decoupling controller for electrostatically coupled microcantilevers based on current measurement. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE. :3134-3139.
Chandrasekaran S, Madhow U, Manjunath BS, Dabeer O, Sullivan K.  2004.  Detection of hiding in the least significant bit. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. 52:3046-3058.
Popovic D, Teel AR.  2004.  Direct search methods for nonsmooth optimization. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :3173-3178.
Teel AR.  2004.  Discrete time receding horizon optimal control: Is the stability robust? OPTIMAL CONTROL, STABILIZATON AND NONSMOOTH ANALYSIS. 301:3-27.
Kellett CM, Teel AR.  2004.  Discrete-time asymptotic controllability implies smooth control-Lyapunov function. SYSTEMS & CONTROL LETTERS. 52:349-359.
Tuna SE, Teel AR.  2004.  Discrete-time homogeneous Lyapunov functions for homogeneous difference inclusions. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :1606-1610.
Hu TS, Teel AR, Lin ZL, Goebel R.  2004.  Dissipativity for dual linear differential inclusions through conjugate storage functions. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :2700-2705.
