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Hespanha JP.  2005.  Polynomial stochastic hybrid systems. HYBRID SYSTEMS: COMPUTATION AND CONTROL. 3414:322-338.
McCarthy JE, Putinar M.  2005.  Positivity aspects of the Fantappie transform. JOURNAL D ANALYSE MATHEMATIQUE. 97:57-82.
Zhang WB, Turner KL.  2005.  Pressure-dependent damping characteristics of micro silicon beam resonators for different resonant modes. IEEE Sensors. :357-360.
Sahin OD, A Abbadi E, Agrawal D, Antony S.  2005.  PRoBe: Multi-dimensional range queries in P2P networks. WEB INFORMATION SYSTEMS ENGINEERING - WISE 2005. 3806:332-346.
Li HG, Yu HL, A Abbadi E, Agrawal D.  2005.  Progressive ranking of range aggregates. DATA WAREHOUSING AND KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY, PROCEEDINGS. 3589:179-189.
Madhow U, Bruvold K, Mudumbai R.  2005.  A QoS framework for stabilized collision channels with multiuser detection. IEEE International Conference on Communications. :250-254.
Manjunath BS, Kimber D, Sun XD, Foote J.  2005.  Region of interest extraction and virtual camera control based on panoramic video capturing. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA. 7:981-990.
Zaccarian L, Hu T, Teel AR.  2005.  Regional anti-windup compensation for linear systems with input saturation. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :3397-3402.
Teel AR, S. Tuna E.  2005.  Regulating discrete-time homogeneous systems under arbitrary switching. IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL - PROCEEDINGS. :2586-2591.
Sanfelice RG, Teel AR, Goebel R.  2005.  Results on convergence in hybrid systems via detectability and an invariance principle. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE. :551-556.
Teel AR, Cai C.  2005.  Results on input-to-state stability for hybrid systems. IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL - PROCEEDINGS. :5403-5408.
Khammash A, Oropeza-Ramos L, Turner KL.  2005.  Robust feedback control design of an ultra-sensitive, high bandwidth tunneling accelerometer. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :4176-4180.
Kellett CM, Teel AR.  2005.  On the robustness of KL-stability for difference inclusions: Smooth discrete-time Lyapunov functions. SIAM JOURNAL ON CONTROL AND OPTIMIZATION. 44:777-800.
Barriac G, Madhow U, Mudumbai R, Hespanha J.  2005.  Scalable feedback control for distributed beamforming in sensor networks. :137-141.
Kokotovic PV, Dacic DB.  2005.  A scaled feedback stabilization of power integrator triangular systems. SYSTEMS & CONTROL LETTERS. 54:645-653.
Petzold L, Gunawan R, Doyle FJ, Cao Y.  2005.  Sensitivity analysis of discrete stochastic systems. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL. 88:2530-2540.
Doyle FJ, Zak DE, Stelling J.  2005.  Sensitivity analysis of oscillatory (bio)chemical systems. COMPUTERS & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. 29:663-673.
Bamieh B, Parmenter V, Ranaweera A.  2005.  Sensors, actuators, and computer interfacing laboratory course at the University of California at Santa Barbara. MECHATRONICS. 15:639-650.
A Abbadi E, Agrawal D, Aghili SA.  2005.  Sequence similarity search using discrete Fourier and wavelet transformation techniques. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TOOLS. 14:733-754.
Petzold L, Meinhart C, Zhu LD, Tretheway D.  2005.  Simulation of fluid slip at 3D hydrophobic microchannel walls by the lattice Boltzmann method. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS. 202:181-195.
Putinar M, Sandberg S.  2005.  A skew normal dilation on the numerical range of an operator. MATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN. 331:345-357.
Petzold LR, Cao Y, Gillespie DT.  2005.  The slow-scale stochastic simulation algorithm. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 122
Doyle FJ, Immanuel CD.  2005.  Solution technique for a multi-dimensional population balance model describing granulation processes. POWDER TECHNOLOGY. 156:213-225.
Gu M, Pals T, Chandrasekaran S, Van der Veen AJ, Dewilde P, Sun X, White D.  2005.  Some fast algorithms for sequentially semiseparable representations. SIAM JOURNAL ON MATRIX ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS. 27:341-364.
Bullo F, Martinez S, Cortes J.  2005.  Spatially-distributed coverage optimization and control with limited-range interactions. ESAIM-CONTROL OPTIMISATION AND CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS. 11:691-719.
