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Teel AR, Zurakowski R.  2006.  A model predictive control based scheduling method for HIV therapy. JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY. 238:368-382.
Doyle, III FJ, Pistikopoulos EN, Dua P.  2006.  Model-based blood glucose control for Type 1 diabetes via parametric programming. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING. 53:1478-1491.
Doyle, III FJ, Mercangoz M.  2006.  Model-based control in the pulp and paper industry. IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS MAGAZINE. 26:30-39.
Bhagavathy S, Manjunath B.S.  2006.  Modeling and detection of geospatial objects using texture motifs. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING. 44:3706-3715.
Hespanha J.P.  2006.  Modelling and analysis of stochastic hybrid systems. IEE PROCEEDINGS-CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. 153:520-535.
Khammash M, Gross CA, Kurata H, El-Samad H, Grigorova I, Iwasaki R, Ohtake H, Doyle JC.  2006.  Module-based analysis of robustness tradeoffs in the heat shock response system. PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY. 2:663-675.
Singh A, Hespanha JPedro.  2006.  Moment closure techniques for stochastic models in population biology. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 1-12:4730-+.
Bullo F, Susca S, Martinez S.  2006.  Monitoring environmental boundaries with a robotic sensor network. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 1-12:2072-+.
Zheng ZM, Petzold L, Parra A, Stroumpoulis D, Tirrell M.  2006.  A Monte Carlo simulation study of lipid bilayer formation on hydrophilic substrates from vesicle solutions. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 124
Sumengen B, Manjunath B.S, Fedorov D.  2006.  Multi-focus imaging using local focus estimation and mosaicking. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP. :2093-+.
Venkatesh K.V, Doyle, III FJ, Chaudhary N, Bhartiya S.  2006.  Multiple feedback loop design in the tryptophan regulatory network of Escherichia coli suggests a paradigm for robust regulation of processes in series. JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY INTERFACE. 3:383-391.
Scheiderer C, Putinar M.  2006.  Multivariate moment problems: Geometry and indeterminateness. ANNALI DELLA SCUOLA NORMALE SUPERIORE DI PISA-CLASSE DI SCIENZE. 5:137-157.
Turner KL, Ward SC, Requa MV, Enriquez-Rios VE, Bradley KA, Christman KL, Maynard HD.  2006.  Nanopatterned polymer films for bioconjugation. 231
Bohacek S, Lee J, Obraczka K, Hespanha JP, Lim C.  2006.  A new TCP for persistent packet reordering. IEEE-ACM TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING. 14:369-382.
Zaccarian L, Galeani S, Teel AR.  2006.  Nonlinear anti-windup for exponentially unstable linear plants. Systems and Control-Foundations and Applications. :143-+.
Padhiyar N, Doyle, III FJ, Dash S, Gupta A, Gaikwad S, Gautam A, Bhartiya S.  2006.  Nonlinear inferential multi-rate control of Kappa number at multiple locations in a continuous pulp digester. JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL. 16:1037-1053.
Shaw SW, Turner KL, Rhoads JF.  2006.  The nonlinear response of resonant microbeam systems with purely-parametric electrostatic actuation. JOURNAL OF MICROMECHANICS AND MICROENGINEERING. 16:890-899.
Putinar M,, Prodan E.  2006.  Norm estimates of complex symmetric operators applied to quantum systems. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL. 39:389-400.
Bullo F, Cortes J, Jadbabaie A, Gao C.  2006.  Notes on averaging over acyclic digraphs and discrete coverage control. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :4651-+.
Kay SA, Doyle, III FJ, Taylor SR, Farre EM, Zeilinger MN.  2006.  A novel computational model of the circadian clock in Arabidopsis that incorporates PRR7 and PRR9. MOLECULAR SYSTEMS BIOLOGY. 2
Martinez-Finkelshtein A., Mhaskar H.N, Pritsker I., Lubinsky D.S, Jimenez D., Putinar M., Baratchart L., Totik V., Xu Y., Varju P. et al..  2006.  Open problems in constructive function theory. ELECTRONIC TRANSACTIONS ON NUMERICAL ANALYSIS. 25:511-525.
Gadkar KG, Doyle, III FJ, Mahadevan R.  2006.  Optimal genetic manipulations in batch bioreactor control. AUTOMATICA. 42:1723-1733.
Rabitz H, Shea-Brown E, Moehlis J.  2006.  Optimal inputs for phase models of spiking neurons. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND NONLINEAR DYNAMICS. 1:358-367.
Bullo F, Martinez S.  2006.  Optimal sensor placement and motion coordination for target tracking. AUTOMATICA. 42:661-668.
Abdel-Ghaffar KAS, Abbadi AEl.  2006.  The optimality of allocation methods for bounded disagreement search queries: The possible and the impossible. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING. 18:1194-1206.
