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Danz P, Moehlis J.  2007.  Event-based feedback control of nonlinear oscillators using phase response curves. IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL - PROCEEDINGS. :3038-3043.
Srivastava A, Turner KL, Astrom KJ.  2007.  Experimental characterization of micro-friction on a mica surface using the lateral motion and force measurement capability of an instrumented indenter. TRIBOLOGY LETTERS. 27:315-322.
Rose K, Altmok A, M. Sargin E, Manjunath B.S.  2007.  Extracting dynamic microtubule features from image sequences. :1308-1312.
Pals T., Gu M., Dewilde P., Lyons W., Chandrasekaran S..  2007.  A fast solver for HSS representations via sparse matrices. SIAM JOURNAL ON MATRIX ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS. 29:67-81.
Gunther JC, Conner JS, Seborg DE.  2007.  Fault detection and diagnosis in an industrial fed-batch cell culture process. BIOTECHNOLOGY PROGRESS. 23:851-857.
Mudumbai R., Barriac G., Madhow U..  2007.  On the feasibility of distributed beamforming in wireless networks. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. 6:1754-1763.
Doyle, III FJ, Pinto MA, Immanuel CD.  2007.  A feasible solution technique for higher-dimensional population balance models. COMPUTERS & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. 31:1242-1256.
Ceniceros H, Min C, Gibou F.  2007.  Finite difference schemes for incompressible flows on fully adaptive grids. International Series of Numerical Mathematics. 154:199-+.
Stylianopoulos NS, Putinar M.  2007.  Finite-Term Relations for Planar Orthogonal Polynomials. COMPLEX ANALYSIS AND OPERATOR THEORY. 1:447-456.
Turner K, Zhang W.  2007.  Frequency dependent fluid damping of micro/nano flexural resonators: Experiment, model and analysis. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL. 134:594-599.
Hespanha JP, Obraczka K, Lee J, Bohacek S, Lim C.  2007.  Game theoretic stochastic routing for fault tolerance and security in computer networks. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS. 18:1227-1240.
Rodwell M, Madhow U, Seo M.  2007.  Generalized blind mismatch correction for two-channel time-interleaved A-TO-D converters. International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. :1505-+.
Bullo F, Smith SL.  2007.  A geometric assignment problem for robotic networks. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. 364:271-+.
Min C, Gibou F.  2007.  Geometric integration over irregular domains with application to level-set methods. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS. 226:1432-1443.
Agrawal D, Patterson S, Abbadi AEl.  2007.  Guaranteeing correctness of lock-free range queries over P2P data. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 4125:123-+.
Simons S..  2007.  The Hahn-Banach-Lagrange theorem. OPTIMIZATION. 56:149-169.
Uritboonthail W, Northen TR, Siuzdak G, Nordstroem A, Woo H-K, Turner KL, Northen MT.  2007.  High surface area of porous silicon drives desorption of intact molecules. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR MASS SPECTROMETRY. 18:1945-1949.
ReinhaRdt S, Shah VB, Gilbert JR.  2007.  High-performance graph algorithms from parallel sparse matrices. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 4699:260-+.
Teel AR, Sanfelice RG, Melchiorri C, Carloni R.  2007.  A hybrid control strategy for robust contact detection and force regulation. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :5885-+.
Teel AR, Sanfelice RG, Chaohong C, Goebel R.  2007.  Hybrid dynamical systems: Robust stability and control. :29-36.
Prieur C, Teel AR, Goebel R.  2007.  Hybrid feedback control and robust stabilization of nonlinear systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 52:2103-2117.
Teel AR, Sanfelice RG, S. Tuna E, Messina MJ.  2007.  Hybrid MPC: Open-minded but not easily swayed. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. 358:17-+.
Teel AR, Sepulchre R, Sanfelice RG.  2007.  A hybrid systems approach to trajectory tracking control for juggling systems. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :6151-+.
Teel AR, Sanfelice RG, Goebel R.  2007.  Hybrid systems techniques for convergence of solutions to switching systems. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :6140-+.
Teel AR, Jayawardhana B, Ryan EP.  2007.  iISS gain of dissipative systems. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :3532-+.
