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Sandeep P., Rodwell M, Madhow U, Seo M.  2008.  Joint Channel and Mismatch Correction for OFDM Reception with Time-interleaved ADCs: Towards Mostly Digital MultiGigabit Transceiver Architectures. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (Globecom).
Teel AR, Grimm G, Zaccarian L.  2008.  The l(2) anti-windup problem for discrete-time linear systems: Definition and solutions. SYSTEMS & CONTROL LETTERS. 57:356-364.
Bullo F, Rus D, Skelly D, Schwager M.  2008.  A ladybug exploration strategy for distributed adaptive coverage control. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation ICRA. :2346-+.
Quinn MJ, Kuo T, Manjunath B.S.  2008.  A LIGHTWEIGHT MULTIVIEW TRACKED PERSON DESCRIPTOR FOR CAMERA SENSOR NETWORKS. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). :1976-1979.
Teel AR, Goebel R.  2008.  Lyapunov characterization of Zeno behavior in hybrid systems. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :2752-2757.
Hespanha JP, Liberzon D, Teel AR.  2008.  Lyapunov conditions for input-to-state stability of impulsive systems. AUTOMATICA. 44:2735-2744.
Nesic D., Teel A.R.  2008.  A Lyapunov-based small-gain theorem for hybrid ISS systems. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :3380-3385.
Paden BE, Samiappan C, Antaki JF, Mirnateghi N.  2008.  Maglev apparatus for power minimization and control of artificial hearts. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY. 16:13-18.
Gardiner J, Antaki JF, Ricci M, Prem E, Paden D, Noh MD, Wu J, Borovetz H, Paden BE.  2008.  Magnetic design for the PediaFlow ventricular assist device. ARTIFICIAL ORGANS. 32:127-135.
Onori S., Galeani S., Teel A.R, Zaccarian L..  2008.  A magnitude and rate saturation model and its use in the solution of a static anti-windup problem. SYSTEMS & CONTROL LETTERS. 57:1-9.
Caswell K., Buckingham B.A, Dassau E., Bequette B.W, Doyle, III F.J, Lee H..  2008.  Meal size estimation using continuous glucose monitoring: towards a hybrid closed-loop artificial pancreas. 51:S433-S433.
Birnir B, Mertens K, Putkaradze V, Vorobieff P.  2008.  Meandering fluid streams in the presence of flow-rate fluctuations. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 101
Putinar M, Lasserre JB, J. Helton W.  2008.  Measures with zeros in the inverse of their moment matrix. ANNALS OF PROBABILITY. 36:1453-1471.
Birnir B., Erickson B., Lavallee D..  2008.  A model for aperiodicity in earthquakes. NONLINEAR PROCESSES IN GEOPHYSICS. 15:1-12.
Stelling J, Lawson MJ, Doyle, III FJ, Bagheri N.  2008.  Modeling the Drosophila melanogaster Circadian Oscillator via Phase Optimization. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL RHYTHMS. 23:525-537.
Madhow U.  2008.  Modulation. FUNDAMENTALS OF DIGITAL COMMUNICATION. :7-73.
Hespanha J.  2008.  Moment closure for biochemical networks. :142-147.
Bullo F, Susca S, Martinez S.  2008.  Monitoring environmental boundaries with a robotic sensor network. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY. 16:288-296.
Agrawal D, Wu P, Antony S, Abbadi AEl.  2008.  MOOLAP: Towards multi-objective OLAP. IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering. :1394-+.
Mertens K., Putkaradze V., Vorobieff P., Birnir B..  2008.  Morphology of a stream flowing down an inclined plane. Part 2. Meandering. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS. 607:401-411.
Dokucu MT, Park M-J, Doyle, III FJ.  2008.  Mufti-rate model predictive control of particle size distribution in a semibatch emulsion copolymerization reactor. JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL. 18:105-120.
Madhow U.  2008.  MultiGigabit Millimeter Wave Communication: System Concepts and Challenges. :229-232.
Schmuedgen K, Putinar M.  2008.  Multivariate Determinateness. INDIANA UNIVERSITY MATHEMATICS JOURNAL. 57:2931-2968.
Teel AR, Nesic D, Zaccarian L.  2008.  On necessary and sufficient conditions for exponential and L-2 stability of planar reset systems. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :4140-+.
Teel AR, Sanfelice RG.  2008.  A nested Matrosov theorem for hybrid systems. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :2915-+.
