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Robinson E, Bliss N, Kepner J, Faloutsos C, Gilbert J, Hendrickson B, Bond R, Bader DA.  2011.  Fundamental Questions in the Analysis of Large Graphs. GRAPH ALGORITHMS IN THE LANGUAGE OF LINEAR ALGEBRA. 22:353-357.
Teel AR, Mayhew CG, Sanfelice RG.  2011.  Further results on synergistic Lyapunov functions and hybrid feedback design through backstepping. :7428-7433.
Pesika NS, Das S, Turner KL, Israelachvili JN, Yu J, Chary S, Tamelier J.  2011.  Gecko-Inspired Dry Adhesive for Robotic Applications. ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS. 21:3010-3018.
Grafton S, Sargin MEmre, Vadivel KShanmuga, Joshi S, Manjunath B.S.  2011.  GENERALIZED SUBSPACE BASED HIGH DIMENSIONAL DENSITY ESTIMATION. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP. :1849-1852.
Bullo F, Bicchi A, Pasqualetti F.  2011.  A graph-theoretical characterization of power network vulnerabilities. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :3918-3923.
Fagiano L., Novara C., Khammash M..  2011.  On the guaranteed accuracy of Polynomial Chaos Expansions. :728-733.
Gu M., Jayaraman K.R, Mhaskar H.N, Moffitt J., Chandrasekaran S..  2011.  Higher Order Numerical Discretization Methods with Sobolev Norm Minimization. Procedia Computer Science. 4:206-215.
Srivastava V, Bullo F.  2011.  Hybrid Combinatorial Optimization: Sample Problems and Algorithms. :7212-7217.
Teel AR, Mayhew CG.  2011.  Hybrid Control of Rigid-Body Attitude with Synergistic Potential Functions. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :287-292.
Marconi L, Cox N, Teel A.  2011.  Hybrid Output Regulation for Minimum Phase Linear Systems. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :863-868.
Marconi L., Cox N., Teel A.R.  2011.  Hybrid Output Regulation with Unmeasured Clock. :7410-7415.
Kosik KS, Jammalamadaka A, Lee EJoo, Zhou H, Banerjee S, Manjunath B.S, Arcila M.  2011.  Identification of piRNAs in the central nervous system. RNA-A PUBLICATION OF THE RNA SOCIETY. 17:1090-1099.
Naghshtabrizi P, Hespanha JP.  2011.  Implementation Considerations For Wireless Networked Control Systems. WIRELESS NETWORKING BASED CONTROL. :1-27.
Shah VB, Buluc A, Gilbert J.  2011.  Implementing Sparse Matrices for Graph Algorithms. GRAPH ALGORITHMS IN THE LANGUAGE OF LINEAR ALGEBRA. 22:287-313.
Dassau E, Zisser H, Ottavian M, Seborg DE, Barolo M.  2011.  Improved blood glucose control for critically ill subjects. JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL. 21:331-342.
Torkildson E, Rodwell M, Madhow U.  2011.  Indoor Millimeter Wave MIMO: Feasibility and Performance. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. 10:4150-4160.
Doyle, III FJ, Wang Y.  2011.  On influences of global and local cues on the rate of synchronization of oscillator networks. AUTOMATICA. 47:1236-1242.
Morse DE, Doyle, III FJ, Ananthasubramaniam B, Nisbet RM.  2011.  Integrate-and-fire models of insolation-driven entrainment of broadcast spawning in corals. THEORETICAL ECOLOGY. 4:69-85.
Mudumbai R, Madhow U, Singh S.  2011.  Interference Analysis for Highly Directional 60-GHz Mesh Networks: The Case for Rethinking Medium Access Control. IEEE-ACM TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING. 19:1513-1527.
Sanft K.R, Gillespie D.T, Petzold L.R.  2011.  Legitimacy of the stochastic Michaelis-Menten approximation. IET SYSTEMS BIOLOGY. 5:58-69.
Kepner J, Gilbert J, Robinson E.  2011.  Linear Algebraic Notation and Definitions. GRAPH ALGORITHMS IN THE LANGUAGE OF LINEAR ALGEBRA. 22:13-18.
Krechetnikov R.  2011.  A linear stability theory on time-invariant and time-dependent spatial domains with symmetry: the drop splash problem. DYNAMICS OF PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 8:47-67.
Jorgensen U, Teel AR, Skjetne R.  2011.  Line-of-sight path-following along regularly parametrized curves solved as a generic maneuvering problem. :2467-2474.
Nesic D., Teel A.R.  2011.  Lyapunov functions for L-2 and input-to-state stability in a class of quantized control systems. :4542-4547.
