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Daigle, Jr. BJ, Gillespie DT, Petzold LR, Roh MK.  2011.  State-dependent doubly weighted stochastic simulation algorithm for automatic characterization of stochastic biochemical rare events. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 135
Atzberger PJ.  2011.  Stochastic Eulerian Lagrangian methods for fluid-structure interactions with thermal fluctuations. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS. 230:2821-2837.
Antunes D, Hespanha JP, Silvestre C.  2011.  Stochastic Networked Control Systems with Dynamic Protocols. Proceedings of the American Control Conference.
Khammash M, Atzberger PJ, Pahlajani CD.  2011.  Stochastic reduction method for biological chemical kinetics using time-scale separation. JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY. 272:96-112.
Khammash M, Dandach SH.  2011.  Stochastic strategies for survival: bacterial competence in Bacillus Subtilis. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :2296-2301.
Srivastava V, Bullo F.  2011.  Stochastic Surveillance Strategies for Spatial Quickest Detection. :83-88.
Ludkovski M.  2011.  Stochastic Switching Games and Duopolistic Competition in Emissions Markets. SIAM JOURNAL ON FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS. 2:488-511.
Fu J, Petzold LR, Wu S, Sanft KR, Roh M, Lim RKwei.  2011.  StochKit2: software for discrete stochastic simulation of biochemical systems with events. BIOINFORMATICS. 27:2457-2458.
Teel AR, Mayhew CG, Sanfelice RG.  2011.  Synergistic Lyapunov functions and backstepping hybrid feedbacks. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :3203-3208.
Teel AR, Mayhew CG.  2011.  Synergistic Potential Functions for Hybrid Control of Rigid-Body Attitude. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :875-880.
Bullo F, Carli R, Srivastava V, Langbort C.  2011.  Task Release Control for Decision Making Queues. Proceedings of the American Control Conference.
Peck A, Feinstein SC, LaPointe NE, Manjunath B.S, Rose K, Wilson L, M. Sargin E.  2011.  Tau Isoform-Specific Modulation of Kinesin-Driven Microtubule Gliding Rates and Trajectories as Determined with Tau-Stabilized Microtubules. CYTOSKELETON. 68:44-55.
Bullo F, Doerfler F.  2011.  Topological Equivalence of a Structure-Preserving Power Network Model and a Non-Uniform Kuramoto Model of Coupled Oscillators. :7099-7104.
Teel AR, Mayhew CG.  2011.  On the topological structure of attraction basins for differential inclusions. SYSTEMS & CONTROL LETTERS. 60:1045-1050.
Niculescu S-I, Putinar M.  2011.  A toric Positivstellensatz with applications to delay systems. COMPTES RENDUS MATHEMATIQUE. 349:327-329.
Forni F., Teel A.R, Zaccarian L..  2011.  Tracking control in billiards using mirrors without smoke, Part II: additional Lyapunov-based local and global results. :3289-3294.
Forni F., Teel A.R, Zaccarian L..  2011.  Tracking control in billiards using mirrors without smoke, Part I: Lyapunov-based local tracking in polyhedral regions. :3283-3288.
Jordan K, Petzold L, John SSt., Shiflet A, Vakalis I, Turner P.  2011.  Undergraduate Computational Science and Engineering Education. SIAM REVIEW. 53:561-574.
Prieur C, Teel AR.  2011.  Uniting Local and Global Output Feedback Controllers. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 56:1636-1649.
Manjunath BS, Rose K, Emre M, Altinok A.  2011.  Variable Length Open Contour Tracking Using a Deformable Trellis. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING. 20:1023-1035.
Bullo F, Bopardikar SD, Smith SL.  2011.  On vehicle placement to intercept moving targets. AUTOMATICA. 47:2067-2074.
Bullo F, Morbidi F, Prattichizzo D.  2011.  Visibility maintenance via controlled invariance for leader-follower vehicle formations. AUTOMATICA. 47:1060-1067.
Silvestre C, Cunha R, Hespanha J, A. Aguiar P.  2011.  Vision-based control for rigid body stabilization. AUTOMATICA. 47:1020-1027.
Doyle, III FJ, Herzog ED, Welsh DK, Petzold LR, Harang R, Meeker K, Bonnet G, Webb AB.  2011.  Wavelet Measurement Suggests Cause of Period Instability in Mammalian Circadian Neurons. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL RHYTHMS. 26:353-362.
Or Y, Teel AR.  2011.  Zeno Stability of the Set-Valued Bouncing Ball. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 56:447-452.
