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Turner KL, Kim MHwa, Zielke M, Baik JMin, Moskovits M, Wodtke AM.  2010.  Tin-Oxide-Nanowire-Based Electronic Nose Using Heterogeneous Catalysis as a Functionalization Strategy. ACS NANO. 4:3117-3122.
Cloosterman M.BG, Naghshtabrizi P., van de Wouw N., Hespanha J.P.  2010.  Tracking control for sampled-data systems with uncertain time-varying sampling intervals and delays. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL. 20:387-411.
Teel AR, Thibodeau T, Hu T.  2010.  A Unified Lyapunov Approach to Analysis of Oscillations and Stability for Systems With Piecewise Linear Elements. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 55:2864-2869.
Mezic I, Surana A, Mathew G.  2010.  Uniform Coverage Control of Mobile Sensor Networks for Dynamic Target Detection. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :7292-7299.
Mezic I, Mohr R.  2010.  The Use of Ergodic Theory in Designing Dynamics for Search Problems.. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :7300-7307.
Boucheron LE, Harvey NR, Manjunath B.S.  2010.  USE OF IMPERFECTLY SEGMENTED NUCLEI IN THE CLASSIFICATION OF HISTOPATHOLOGY IMAGES OF BREAST CANCER. International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. :666-669.
Oropeza-Ramos L, Turner KL, Burgner CB.  2010.  USING PARAMETRIC RESONANCE TO IMPROVE MICRO GYRSOCOPE ROBUSTNESS. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B-Physics and Biophysics. :299-+.
Carmona R, Ludkovski M.  2010.  Valuation of energy storage: an optimal switching approach. QUANTITATIVE FINANCE. 10:359-374.
Obara B, Cunha A, Chickarmane V, Roeder AHK, Manjunath B.S, Meyerowitz EM.  2010.  Variability in the Control of Cell Division Underlies Sepal Epidermal Patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLOS BIOLOGY. 8
Bullo F, Bopardikar SD, Smith SL.  2010.  Vehicle Placement to Intercept Moving Targets. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :5538-5543.
Doyle, III FJ, Petzold LR, Smith KS, Taylor SR, Webb AB.  2010.  Velocity Response Curves Support the Role of Continuous Entrainment in Circadian Clocks. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL RHYTHMS. 25:138-149.
Moxley E, Mei T, Manjunath B.S.  2010.  Video Annotation Through Search and Graph Reinforcement Mining. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA. 12:184-193.
Bullo F, Hatanaka T, Fujita M.  2010.  Vision-based Cooperative Estimation via Multi-agent Optimization. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :2492-2497.
Robinson A, Kosik KS, Doyle, III FJ, Neveu P, Yuraszeck TM, Rodriguez-Fernandez M.  2010.  Vulnerabilities in the Tau Network and the Role of Ultrasensitive Points in Tau Pathophysiology. PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY. 6
Danzl P, Moehlis J.  2010.  Weakly coupled parametrically forced oscillator networks: existence, stability, and symmetry of solutions. NONLINEAR DYNAMICS. 59:661-680.
Agrawal D, Abbadi AEl, Wu P, Antony S.  2009.  Aggregate Skyline: Analysis for Online Users. :50-56.
Petzold L., Buoni M..  2009.  An algorithm for simulation of electrochemical systems with surface-bulk coupling strategies. :296-302.
Bullo F, Dandach SH.  2009.  Algorithms for regional source localization. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE. :5440-5445.
Naghshtabrizi P, Hespanha JP.  2009.  Analysis of Distributed Control Systems with Shared Communication and Computation Resources. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :3384-+.
Teel AR, Thibodeau T, Hu T.  2009.  Analysis of oscillation and stability for systems with piecewise linear components via saturation functions. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :1911-+.
Mezic I, Budisic M.  2009.  An Approximate Parametrization of the Ergodic Partition using Time Averaged Observables. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :3162-3168.
Teel AR, Sanfelice RG.  2009.  Asymptotic Stability in Hybrid Systems via Nested Matrosov Functions. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 54:1569-1574.
Doyle, III FJ, Shoemaker JE, Gunawan R, Mirsky H, Stelling J, Taylor SR, Bagheri N, Kwei E.  2009.  Automatic Control in Systems Biology. SPRINGER HANDBOOK OF AUTOMATION. :1335-1360.
Stylianopoulos N, Gustafsson B, Saff EB, Putinar M.  2009.  Bergman polynomials on an archipelago: Estimates, zeros and shape reconstruction. ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS. 222:1405-1460.
