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Fardad M, Bamieh B.  2008.  Perturbation methods in stability and norm analysis of spatially periodic systems. SIAM JOURNAL ON CONTROL AND OPTIMIZATION. 47:997-1021.
Basili VR, Hochstein L, Vishkin U, Gilbert J.  2008.  A pilot study to compare programming effort for two parallel programming models. JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE. 81:1920-1930.
Gunther J.C, Seborg D.E, Conner J.S.  2008.  PLS pattern matching in design of experiment, batch process data. CHEMOMETRICS AND INTELLIGENT LABORATORY SYSTEMS. 94:43-50.
Madhow U.  2008.  Probability, random variables, and random processes. FUNDAMENTALS OF DIGITAL COMMUNICATION. :474-481.
Bullo F, Hespanha JP, Bopardikar SD.  2008.  A pursuit game with range-only measurements. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :4233-4238.
Bullo F, Zampieri S, Carli R.  2008.  Quantized average consensus via dynamic coding/decoding schemes. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :4916-4921.
Doyle, III FJ, Mercangoz M.  2008.  Real-time optimization of the pulp mill benchmark problem. COMPUTERS & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. 32:789-804.
Dokucu MT, Park M-J, Doyle, III FJ.  2008.  Reduced-order methodologies for feedback control of particle size distribution in semi-batch emulsion copolymerization. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE. 63:1230-1245.
Bertelli L, Gibou F, Ghosh P, Manjunath B.S.  2008.  REFERENCE-BASED PROBABILISTIC SEGMENTATION AS NON-RIGID REGISTRATION USING THIN PLATE SPLINES. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP. :3052-3055.
Teel AR, Cai C, Goebel R.  2008.  Relaxation Results for Hybrid Inclusions. SET-VALUED ANALYSIS. 16:733-757.
Buluc A, Gilbert JR.  2008.  On the representation and multiplication of hypersparse matrices. :1876-1886.
Khammash M.  2008.  Reverse engineering: the architecture of biological networks. BIOTECHNIQUES. 44:323-+.
Teel AR, Sanfelice RG.  2008.  On robust, global stabilization of the attitude of an underactuated rigid body using hybrid feedback. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :2909-+.
Teel AR, Mayhew CG, Sanfelice RG.  2008.  Robust hybrid source-seeking algorithms based on directional derivatives and their approximations. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :1735-1740.
Min C, Gibou F.  2008.  Robust second-order accurate discretizations of the multi-dimensional Heaviside and Dirac delta functions. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS. 227:9686-9695.
Teel AR, Mayhew CG, Sanfelice RG.  2008.  Robust source-seeking hybrid controllers for nonholonomic vehicles. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :2722-+.
Hespanha JP, Margaliot M.  2008.  Root-mean-square gains of switched linear systems: A variational approach. AUTOMATICA. 44:2398-2402.
Zisser H, Doyle, III FIs J, Palerm CC, Jovanovic L.  2008.  A run-to-run control strategy to adjust basal insulin infusion rates in type 1 diabetes. JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL. 18:258-265.
Singh A, Hespanha JPedro.  2008.  Scaling of stochasticity in gene cascades. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE. :2780-2785.
Chene Adu, Min C, Gibou F.  2008.  Second-order accurate computation of curvatures in a level set framework using novel high-order reinitialization schemes. JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING. 35:114-131.
Griffin DW, Doherty MF, Mellichamp DA.  2008.  Selectivity versus conversion and optimal operating policies for plants with recycle. AICHE JOURNAL. 54:2597-2609.
Gunawan R, Petzold LR, Doyle, III FJ, Taylor SR.  2008.  Sensitivity measures for oscillating systems: Application to mammalian circadian gene network. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 53:177-188.
Vu N, Manjunath B.S.  2008.  Shape prior segmentation of multiple objects with graph cuts. PROCEEDINGS - IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION AND PATTERN RECOGNITION. :840-847.
Owen KG, Shaw SW, Turner KL, Zielke MA, Rhoads JF, DeMartini BE.  2008.  A single input-single output coupled microresonator array for the detection and identification of multiple analytes. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 93
Petzold L, Cao Y.  2008.  Slow-scale tau-leaping method. COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING. 197:3472-3479.
