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Bertelli L, Sumengen B, Gibou F, Manjunath B.S.  2008.  A variational framework for multiregion pairwise-similarity-based image segmentation. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE. 30:1400-1414.
Garcia SRamon, Putinar M, Danciger J.  2008.  Variational principles for symmetric bilinear forms. MATHEMATISCHE NACHRICHTEN. 281:786-802.
Sarkar A, Ghosh P, Manjunath B.S, Moxley E.  2008.  Video fingerprinting: Features for duplicate and similar video detection and query-based video retrieval - art. no. 68200E. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE). 6820:E8200-E8200.
Bullo F, Morbidi F, Prattichizzo D.  2008.  On visibility maintenance via controlled invariance for leader-follower Dubins-like vehicles. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :1821-1826.
Crandall MG.  2008.  A visit with the infinity-Laplace equation. CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS AND NON-LINEAR PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 1927:75-122.
Quinn M, De Leo C, Ni Z, Manjunath B.S, Mudumbai R, Kuo T.  2008.  VISNET: A DISTRIBUTED VISION TESTBED. :300-307.
Madhow U.  2008.  Wireless communication. FUNDAMENTALS OF DIGITAL COMMUNICATION. :379-473.
Seo M, Rodwell M, Madhow U, Carta C.  2008.  X- and K-band Tunable Phase Generation Circuits for Monolithic mm-Wave Phased Arrays. :498-501.
Seo M, Rodwell M, Madhow U, Carta C.  2008.  X- and K-band Tunable Phase Generation Circuits for Monolithic mm-Wave Phased Arrays. :1067-1070.
Teel AR, Goebel R.  2008.  Zeno behavior in homogeneous hybrid systems. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :2758-2763.
Cao Y, Petzold LR, Gillespie DT.  2007.  Adaptive explicit-implicit tau-leaping method with automatic tau selection. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 126
Sarkar A, Manjunath B.S, Madhow U, Chandrasekaran S.  2007.  Adaptive MPEG-2 video data hiding scheme. Proceedings of SPIE. 6505
Dewilde P, Sheng Z, Chandrasekaran S.  2007.  Algorithms to solve hierarchically semi-separable systems. Operator Theory Advances and Applications. 176:255-+.
Teel AR, Dai D, Zaccarian L, Hu T.  2007.  Analysis of systems with saturation/deadzone via piecewise-quadratic Lyapunov functions. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :4304-4309.
Gustafsson B, Putinar M.  2007.  Analytic continuation of the exponential transform from convex cavities. JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS. 328:995-1006.
Teel AR, Cantoni M, Weyer E, Li Y, Zaccarian L.  2007.  Anti-windup for marginally stable plants and its application to open water channel control systems. CONTROL ENGINEERING PRACTICE. 15:261-272.
Bamieh B, Jovanovic MR.  2007.  Architecture induced by distributed backstepping design. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 52:108-113.
Teel AR, Cai C.  2007.  Asymptotic characterizations of input-output-to-state stability for discrete-time systems. SYSTEMS & CONTROL LETTERS. 56:408-415.
Ganguli A, Bullo F, Obermeyer KJ.  2007.  Asynchronous distributed searchlight scheduling. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :31-36.
Parker E.R, Turner K.L, MacDonald N.C, Meinhart C.D, Rao M.P.  2007.  Bulk micromachined titanium microneedles. JOURNAL OF MICROELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS. 16:289-295.
Doyle, III FJ, Zisser H, Wollitzer AOkada, Seborg DE, Palerm CC, Jovanovic L, Bevier WC, Finan DA.  2007.  Calculatin the insulin to carbohydrate ratio using the hyperinsulinaemic-euglycaemic clamp - a novel use for a proven technique. DIABETES-METABOLISM RESEARCH AND REVIEWS. 23:472-478.
Teel AR, Dai D, Zaccarian L, Hu T.  2007.  Case studies on the control of input-constrained linear plants via output feedback containing an internal deadzone loop. ADVANCED STRATEGIES IN CONTROL SYSTEMS WITH INPUT AND OUTPUT CONSTRAINTS. 346:313-340.
Turner KL, Moehlis J, Butterfield HE, DeMartini BE.  2007.  Chaos for a microelectromechanical oscillator governed by the nonlinear Mathieu equation. JOURNAL OF MICROELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS. 16:1314-1323.
Teel AR, Hu T.  2007.  Characterization of forced vibration for difference inclusions: A Lyapunov approach. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS I-REGULAR PAPERS. 54:1367-1379.
Doyle, III F.J, Stelling J., Bagheri N..  2007.  Circadian phase entrainment via nonlinear model predictive control. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL. 17:1555-1571.
