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Towards optimal I/O scheduling for MEMS-based storage. IEEE SYMPOSIUM ON MASS STORAGE SYSTEMS - PROCEEDINGS. :58-61.
2003. A benchmark for methods in reverse engineering and model discrimination: Problem formulation and solutions. GENOME RESEARCH. 14:1773-1785.
2004. Declustering two-dimensional datasets over MEMS-based storage. ADVANCES IN DATABASE TECHNOLOGY - EDBT 2004, PROCEEDINGS. 2992:495-512.
2004. Declustering two-dimensional datasets over MEMS-based storage. ADVANCES IN DATABASE TECHNOLOGY - EDBT 2004, PROCEEDINGS. 2992:495-512.
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2004. Lateral mean exit time of a spherical particle trapped in an optical tweezer. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :4891-4896.
2004. Logic-based switching control for trajectory-tracking and path-following of underactuated autonomous vehicles with parametric modeling uncertainty. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :3004-3010.
2004. Meghdoot: Content-based publish/subscribe over P2P networks. MIDDLEWARE 2004, PROCEEDINGS. 3231:254-273.
2004. Meghdoot: Content-based publish/subscribe over P2P networks. MIDDLEWARE 2004, PROCEEDINGS. 3231:254-273.
2004. A peer-to-peer framework for caching range queries. IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering. :165-176.
2004. A peer-to-peer framework for caching range queries. IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering. :165-176.
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2004. Range CUBE: Efficient cube computation by exploiting data correlation. IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering. :658-669.
2004. Range CUBE: Efficient cube computation by exploiting data correlation. IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering. :658-669.
2004. Silicon oxide thickness-dependent growth of carbon nanotubes. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 84:109-111.
2004. State estimation for continuous-time systems with perspective outputs from discrete noisy time-delayed measurements. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :3126-3131.
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2004. A tour of the theory of absolutely minimizing functions. BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. 41:439-505.
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2004. Virtual radar imaging for sensor networks. :294-300.
2004. ABACUS: A distributed middleware for privacy preserving data sharing across private data warehouses. MIDDLEWARE 2005, PROCEEDINGS. 3790:21-41.