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Fast computation of database operations using content-addressable memories. DATABASE AND EXPERT SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS, PROCEEDINGS. 4080:389-398.
2006. Fast computation of database operations using content-addressable memories. DATABASE AND EXPERT SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS, PROCEEDINGS. 4080:389-398.
2006. Fluidic operational amplifier for mock circulatory systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY. 14:602-612.
2006. FLUX: Content and structure matching of XPath queries with range predicates. DATABASE AND XML TECHNOLOGIES, PROCEEDINGS. 4156:61-76.
2006. FLUX: Content and structure matching of XPath queries with range predicates. DATABASE AND XML TECHNOLOGIES, PROCEEDINGS. 4156:61-76.
2006. FLUX: Content and structure matching of XPath queries with range predicates. DATABASE AND XML TECHNOLOGIES, PROCEEDINGS. 4156:61-76.
2006. High dimensional nearest neighbor searching. INFORMATION SYSTEMS. 31:512-540.
2006. High dimensional nearest neighbor searching. INFORMATION SYSTEMS. 31:512-540.
2006. An integrated efficient solution for computing frequent and top-k elements in data streams. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON DATABASE SYSTEMS. 31:1095-1133.
2006. An integrated efficient solution for computing frequent and top-k elements in data streams. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON DATABASE SYSTEMS. 31:1095-1133.
2006. Minimum-energy state estimation for systems with perspective outputs. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL. 51:226-241.
2006. The optimality of allocation methods for bounded disagreement search queries: The possible and the impossible. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING. 18:1194-1206.
2006. The optimality of allocation methods for bounded disagreement search queries: The possible and the impossible. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING. 18:1194-1206.
2006. Parallelizing skyline queries for scalable distribution. ADVANCES IN DATABASE TECHNOLOGY - EDBT 2006. 3896:112-130.
2006. Parallelizing skyline queries for scalable distribution. ADVANCES IN DATABASE TECHNOLOGY - EDBT 2006. 3896:112-130.
2006. Simple robust control invariant tubes for some classes of nonlinear discrete time systems. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :6401-+.
2006. ABACUS: A distributed middleware for privacy preserving data sharing across private data warehouses. MIDDLEWARE 2005, PROCEEDINGS. 3790:21-41.
2005. ABACUS: A distributed middleware for privacy preserving data sharing across private data warehouses. MIDDLEWARE 2005, PROCEEDINGS. 3790:21-41.
2005. Attribute-based access to distributed data over P2P networks. DATABASES IN NETWORKED INFORMATION SYSTEMS, PROCEEDINGS. 3433:244-263.
2005. Attribute-based access to distributed data over P2P networks. DATABASES IN NETWORKED INFORMATION SYSTEMS, PROCEEDINGS. 3433:244-263.
2005. Binary adaptive coded pilot symbol assisted modulation over Rayleigh fading channels without feedback. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS. 53:1036-1046.
2005. Content-based similarity search over peer-to-peer systems. DATABASES, INFORMATION SYSTEMS, AND PEER-TO-PEER COMPUTING. 3367:61-78.
2005. Content-based similarity search over peer-to-peer systems. DATABASES, INFORMATION SYSTEMS, AND PEER-TO-PEER COMPUTING. 3367:61-78.
2005. Design optimization of blood shearing instrument by computational fluid dynamics. ARTIFICIAL ORGANS. 29:482-489.
2005. .