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Higher Order Numerical Discretization Methods with Sobolev Norm Minimization. Procedia Computer Science. 4:206-215.
2011. Hybrid Output Regulation for Minimum Phase Linear Systems. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :863-868.
2011. Hybrid Output Regulation with Unmeasured Clock. :7410-7415.
2011. Michaelis-Menten speeds up tau-leaping under a wide range of conditions. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 134
2011. .
2011. Multiple-Target Tracking With Binary Proximity Sensors. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SENSOR NETWORKS. 8
2011. Output-to-state stability for hybrid systems. SYSTEMS & CONTROL LETTERS. 60:62-68.
2011. Segmentation of Ascidian Notochord Cells in DIC Timelapse Images. MICROSCOPY RESEARCH AND TECHNIQUE. 74:727-734.
2011. Task Release Control for Decision Making Queues. Proceedings of the American Control Conference.
2011. Vision-based control for rigid body stabilization. AUTOMATICA. 47:1020-1027.
2011. Accuracy and Decision Time for a Class of Sequential Decision Aggregation Rules. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :4777-4782.
2010. Accuracy and Decision Time for Decentralized Implementations of the Sequential Probability Ratio Test. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :2390-2395.
2010. Adaptive Control Algorithm for a Rapid and Slow Acting Insulin Therapy Following Run-to-run Methodology. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :2009-2014.
2010. Adaptive Control Algorithm for a Rapid and Slow Acting Insulin Therapy Following Run-to-run Methodology. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :2009-2014.
2010. An Advisory Protocol for Rapid- and Slow-Acting Insulin Therapy Based on a Run-to-Run Methodology. DIABETES TECHNOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS. 12:555-565.
2010. An Advisory Protocol for Rapid- and Slow-Acting Insulin Therapy Based on a Run-to-Run Methodology. DIABETES TECHNOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS. 12:555-565.
2010. A Constant Factor Approximation Algorithm for Event-Based Sampling. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. 398:51-+.
2010. .
2010. Distance Functions and Almost Global Solutions of Eikonal Equations. COMMUNICATIONS IN PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 35:391-414.
2010. Distance Functions and Almost Global Solutions of Eikonal Equations. COMMUNICATIONS IN PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 35:391-414.
2010. Fast algorithms for hierarchically semiseparable matrices. NUMERICAL LINEAR ALGEBRA WITH APPLICATIONS. 17:953-976.
2010. Hierarchical scene understanding exploiting automatically derived contextual data. Proceedings of SPIE. 7697
2010. Identifying Cyber Attacks via Local Model Information. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :5961-5966.
2010. On the Length and Area Regularization for Multiphase Level Set Segmentation. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER VISION. 90:267-282.
2010. Minimum Sobolev Norm Schemes and Applications in Image Processing. Proceedings of SPIE. 7535