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Homsy GM, Krechetnikov R.  2009.  Crown-forming instability phenomena in the drop splash problem. JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE. 331:555-559.
Holthoff EL, Li LL, Shaw LA, Turner KL, Burgner CB.  2014.  Noise Squeezing Controlled Parametric Bifurcation Tracking of MIP-Coated Microbeam MEMS Sensor for TNT Explosive Gas Sensing. JOURNAL OF MICROELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS. 23:1228-1236.
Holthoff EL, Li L, Hiller T, Turner KL.  2015.  A Molecularly Imprinted Polymer (MIP)-Coated Microbeam MEMS Sensor for Chemical Detection. Proceedings of SPIE. 9455
Holthoff EL, Hiller T, Li LLijuan, Bamieh B, Turner KL.  2015.  System Identification, Design, and Implementation of Amplitude Feedback Control on a Nonlinear Parametric MEM Resonator for Trace Nerve Agent Sensing. JOURNAL OF MICROELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS. 24:1275-1284.
Holt AB, Netoff TI, Wilson D, Moehlis J.  2015.  Optimal entrainment of heterogeneous noisy neurons. FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE. 9
Holt AB, Netoff TI, Wilson D, Shinn M, Moehlis J.  2016.  Phasic Burst Stimulation: A Closed-Loop Approach to Tuning Deep Brain Stimulation Parameters for Parkinson's Disease. PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY. 12
Holman KL, Swanda AP, Sweerus N, SEBORG DE.  1997.  Dynamic models of the causticizing process. TAPPI JOURNAL. 80:123-134.
Holman KL, Sweerus NG, Swanda AP, SEBORG DE.  2000.  Performance evaluation of two simple causticizing control systems. TAPPI JOURNAL. 83:73-74.
Holliday J, Agrawal D, A Abbadi E.  2000.  Database replication using epidemic communication. EURO-PAR 2000 PARALLEL PROCESSING, PROCEEDINGS. 1900:427-434.
Holliday J, Agrawal D, A Abbadi E.  2000.  Planned disconnections for mobile databases. :165-169.
Holliday J, Agrawal D, A Abbadi E.  1999.  The performance of database replication with group multicast. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON FAULT-TOLERANT COMPUTING. :158-165.
Holliday J, Agrawal D, A Abbadi E.  2002.  Disconnection modes for mobile databases. WIRELESS NETWORKS. 8:391-402.
Hinshaw L, McCrady-Spitzer SK, Schiavon M, Kovatchev B, Dadlani V, Patek S, Doyle, III FJ, Brown SA, McElwee-Malloy M, Wakeman CA et al..  2015.  Adjustment of Open-Loop Settings to Improve Closed-Loop Results in Type 1 Diabetes: A Multicenter Randomized Trial. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM. 100:3878-3886.
Hespanha JP, Sangiovanni-Vincentelli AL, Seshia SA, Shoukry Y, Chong M, Nuzzo P, Tabuada P, Wakaiki M.  2016.  SMT-Based Observer Design for Cyber-Physical Systems Under Sensor Attacks. ACM-IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems.
Hespanha JP, Bopardikar SD, Borri A, Prandini M, Di Benedetto MD.  2013.  Randomized sampling for large zero-sum games. AUTOMATICA. 49:1184-1194.
Hespanha JP.  2002.  Computation of root-mean-square gains of switched linear systems. HYBRID SYSTEMS: COMPUTATION AND CONTROL. 2289:239-252.
Hespanha JP, Isaacs JT, Irish AT, Quitin F, Madhow U.  2014.  Probabilistic 3D Mapping based on GNSS SNR Measurements. International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP.
Hespanha JP, Jiang S.  2009.  Multi-Controller Design under Uncontrolled and Controlled Switching. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE. :1760-1765.
Hespanha JP, Quintero SAP.  2014.  Vision-based target tracking with a small UAV: Optimization-based control strategies. CONTROL ENGINEERING PRACTICE. 32:28-42.
Hespanha JP, Speranzon A, Bopardikar SD.  2016.  An H-infinity Approach to Stealth-resilient Control Design. :56-61.
Hespanha JP, Safaei FRPour, Proulx SR.  2012.  Infinite Horizon Linear Quadratic Gene Regulation in Fluctuating Environments. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. :2298-2303.
Hespanha JP, Quintero SAP, Ludkovski M.  2016.  Stochastic Optimal Coordination of Small UAVs for Target Tracking using Regression-based Dynamic Programming. JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & ROBOTIC SYSTEMS. 82:135-162.
Hespanha JP, Klein DJ, Russell W.Joshua.  2011.  Optimal Estimation on the Graph Cycle Space. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. 59:2834-2846.
Hespanha JP, Copp DA.  2017.  Simultaneous nonlinear model predictive control and state estimation. AUTOMATICA. 77:143-154.
