
2012d Fall

Date, location Seminar Series Videos
11/30/12 8:00am, UC San Diego Southern California Control Workshop Various speakers, 23rd Southern California Nonlinear Control Workshop, UCSD, Nov. 2012
12/07/12 3:00pm, Webb 1100 CCDC Seminar Series Rodolphe Sepulchre, Lyapunov theory and contraction analysis Link

2012c Summer

Date, location Seminar Series Videos
09/14/12 8:00am, Fess Parker’s Doubletree Resort, Santa Barbara, California CCDC Workshop Various speakers, 3rd IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems

2012b Spring

Date, location Seminar Series Videos
03/27/12 10:00am, 1132 Harold Frank Hall CCDC Extra Seminar Jason Isaacs, UAV Data Mule Vehicle Routing Problems in Sparse Sensor Networks
04/06/12 3:00pm, Webb 1100 CCDC Seminar Series Daniel Liberzon, Limited-Information Control of Switched Systems Link
04/13/12 3:00pm, Webb 1100 CCDC Seminar Series Prabir Barooah, Control and Identification Problems for Energy Efficient Buildings Link
04/20/12 3:00pm, Webb 1100 CCDC Seminar Series Prashant Mehta, Feedback Particle Filter and its Applications to Neuroscience Link
05/04/12 3:00pm, Webb 1100 CCDC Seminar Series Qing-Chang Zhong, Control of Power Inverters in Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Integration Link
05/07/12 4:00pm, ESB 1001 Mohammed Dahleh Distinguished Lecture Richard Baraniuk, Compressive Signal Processing Link
05/11/12 3:00pm, Webb 1100 CCDC Seminar Series Paul Newton, Metastatic pathway diagrams for cancer progression via Markov chain models Link
05/18/12 3:00pm, University of Southern California Southern California Control Workshop Various speakers, 22nd Southern California Nonlinear Control Workshop, USC, May 2012
05/25/12 3:00pm, Webb 1100 CCDC Seminar Series Cedric Langbort, A Dynamic Game Theoretic Approach to Cyber-Security of Controlled Systems Link
06/01/12 3:00pm, Webb 1100 CCDC Seminar Series Thomas Bewley, New algorithms for large-scale state estimation and coordination of sensor vehicle deployments for contaminant plume forecasting and firefighting applications Link
06/08/12 3:00pm, Webb 1100 CCDC Seminar Series Pavithra Prabhakar, Approximations for Verification of Hybrid Systems Link

2012a Winter

Date, location Seminar Series Videos
01/12/12 1:00pm, ESB 2001 CCDC Extra Seminar Lorenzo Marconi, An Hybrid Perspective to Modeling and Control Aerial Robots Interacting with the Environment
01/13/12 3:00pm, Webb 1100 CCDC Seminar Series Alberto Speranzon, UTRC's Autonomy Project: An Overview Link
01/17/12 10:00am, HFH 4164 CCDC Extra Seminar Brian Sadler, Autonomous Network Support in Complex Environments
01/20/12 3:00pm, Webb 1100 CCDC Seminar Series Ather Gattami, Distributed Control with Arbitrary Information Structures Link
01/24/12 3:00pm, HFH 4164 CCDC Extra Seminar Alexandre Mauroy, Dichotomic Collective Behaviors in Networks of Pulse-Coupled Oscillators
01/26/12 11:00am, GIRV 2110 CCDC Mini Course Paolo Caravani, Topics in Game Theory Pt.1
